Hip No.
Consigned by DC Cattle Company
Hip No.
Boon Royal
2014 Red Roan Gelding
Peppy San Badger
Gallo Del Cielo
Doc's Starlight
Roosters Lucky Guy
Brennas Kid
Greatest Kid
Great Gee Gee Fisher
Boon Royal
Little Peptoroani
Old Sweet Martha
Peptoroanis Catalyst
Taris Catalyst
Sugar Catalyst
Docs Little Sugar
NOTES: Boon Royal aka "Rooster" is an exceptionally nice gelding who's pedigree speaks for itself. We have been lucky to own this gelding and have enjoyed him every day. Rooster has been used as a ranch horse his entire life. He has been used to gather, sort, doctor, and brand calves and knows what a hard days work is. He is a pleaser and will go all day, very automatic and will make anyone look good. He is safe and gentle for everyone, we have given this horse weeks off and took him straight to work with absolutely no issues. Rooster could go on to the show pen as a ranch versatility horse or a team roping and/or breakaway horse. Watch for him in the roping both head and heel, branding events, breakaway and the ranch cutting.
QData 11/2021