Hip No.
Consigned by DC Cattle Company
Hip No.
Im A Travelin Man
2018 Buckskin Gelding
Smart Little Lena
Smart Chic Olena
Gay Sugar Chic
Travelin Jonez
Travelin With Sass
Sassy Jessie
Im A Travelin Man
Mister Dual Pep
Mister Smart Remedy
Ima Smart Remedy
Ole Buttermilk Sky
Playguns Doll
Little Serena Lena
NOTES: Romeo is a big, stout gelding. He has some big names on his papers and it shows when you ride him as he is extremely talented. Romeo was started as a cow horse and could go back and excel in the show pen. He is very cowy and fancy broke. He will spin a hole in the ground and run down and slide every time. Gentle as they come. He has an exceptional mind and never gets worked up over anything. He has roped yearlings, been to the branding pen and has even been started in the heading. He would make a top notch head horse or calf horse, then turn around and babysit grandma on a trail ride. He would make an excellent Jr rodeo or 4H horse as well. He is not your typical young horse. He is WAY gentle and quiet. Romeo has a lot of try and is always willing to do whatever is asked of him. Dont miss out on this one of a kind horse.
QData 11/2021