Hip No.
Consigned by Jamie Creel
Hip No.
Aspecial Serenity
2018 Sorrel Gelding
Flit Bar
Fire Water Flit SI 86
Slash J Harletta
Aspecial Firewater
Special Leader SI 103
Miss Smooth Leader SI 97
Holme Smooth SI 98
Aspecial Serenity
Dual Rey
Dual Smart Rey
The Smart Look
Ms Serenity Now
Docs Stylish Oak
SSR Stylish Peppy
Prissin Little Peppy
NOTES: Rooster was started in a cutting program and is coming along nicely. He has been turned back on, and he has been ridden outside. He is ready for a job and is going to be a horse. He is very soft in the face, lopes out of his tracks. He has interest in cattle. He travels well outside. He is a very gentle colt. Never has bucked. He is a very smooth, goes where you tells him. He would make a very good barrel, heel, or breakaway horse. Good stop. Good to be around. Easy to load, clip, and bathe. Stands 14.1.
QData 11/2021