Hip No.
Consigned by Tiffany Hammett
Hip No.
VF My Favorite Fame
2019 Sorrel Colt
First Down Dash SI 105
Dash Ta Fame SI 113
Sudden Fame SI 98
Born Ta Be Famous
Frenchmans Guy
Sx Frenchmans Vanila
Willys Rockin SI 99
VF My Favorite Fame
Favorite Trick TB
Favorite Cartel SI 104
Shenoshercorona SI 91
Favorite Forfeit SI 88
Separatist SI 101
Fall For It SI 99
Shadows Fall SI 88
NOTES: Stewey is 15 hands and quick footed. He is the 1st to meet you everyday and loves being around people. Currently still a stallion and has not been started under saddle. He is a blank slate and ready to ride. He is paid in full to the Pink Buckle barrel racing incentive and is eligible for the Ruby Buckle and Future Fortunes. I’d had plans to keep him and futurity him but I don’t have the time to do so. If you’re looking for a top barrel prospect this is it!!
QData 11/2021