Hip No.
Consigned by Wyatt Pillars
Hip No.
Bar B Dude A Little
2017 Bay Gelding
Mr Baron Red
Mr Joes Song
Watch Joes Song
Joes Country Tune
Two Eyed Red Buck
Red Bucks Babe
Fancy Jenny Bark
Bar B Dude A Little
Gray Badgers Tip
Rattlin Ron
My Ronella Lady
KB Lilly Bell 106
Prescriptions Roan
Prescription Stella
Chocolate Wine
NOTES: Dude is 4 years old very very gentle, stands 15.2 and as stout as one can come. Easy to catch, backs out of the trailer and stays good barefoot. Rode by a 73 year old man during shipping season last fall. Dude is the using type you don't you see very often and is willing to go all day! He has been used on the ranch from dragging calves to doctoring wheat pasture cattle and been used at the sale barn. He does have a corneal scar in his left eye but still able to see.
QData 11/2021