Hip No.
Consigned by Colby Catlett
Hip No.
Cahills Packin Heat
2017 Sorrel Gelding
Smart Little Lena
Smart Chic Olena
Gay Sugar Chic
Chic Packin
Mamas Packin
Smokins Tokin
Cahills Packin Heat
Freckles Playboy
Miss Silver Pistol
Playguns Natural
Natural Enterprise
Natural Whit
Fairy Fletch
NOTES: Here’s a big pretty ranch gelding with lots of potential stands 15 hands he’s been ranched on in the rocks and rough county in New Mexico gathered big country roped some cows drug some calves to the fire he’s still a little green he is gentle but will get fresh just a little tight and humpy will be a nice horse when finished.
QData 11/2021