Hip No.
Consigned by University of Findlay
Hip No.
Impulses Shy Guy
2019 Bay Gelding
Hot Impulse
Ms Hot Medicine
Impulses Hotrod
Radical Rodder
Radically Zipped
Choicetta Pine
Impulses Shy Guy
Zips Chocolate Chip
Chips Cookie Monster
Oh So Shy
Chip Kissed Me Too
Kopper Kettle Too
Skipalong Kopper Bar
Aledos Skippie
NOTES: Impulses Shy Guy, “Pete”, is a 2019 15.1HH bay AQHA gelding western all around prospect. He has the potential to be a great all-around horse. Pete has been started in the horsemanship, showmanship, and ranch riding. His calm and very willing temperament makes him ready to be finished your way. He loads, clips, and bathes well.
SIRE: IMPULSES HOTROD (2008). Sire of 3 money-earners, including LAZY RED HOT ROD (38.5 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Rookie Amateur Western Riding), AFTERNOON DELITE (6th Congress NSBA Hunt Seat Longe Line Stakes Open), SELECT HOTROD (AQHA point-earner: 4th Congress Halter 2-Year-Old Gelding Youth). Son of HOT IMPULSE, $13,931 and 116 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Western Riding Horse; 4th Congress Junior Western Riding; 5th Congress 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Derby; 3rd Tulsa Holiday 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity; Heartbeat of America NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity Co-Reserve Champion; Superior Western Pleasure. 2021 AQHA Top 25 Sire of English All-Around Point-Earners. Sire of 101 money-earners and earners of 20,654 AQHA points, including KAMANYAWANNADANCE ($152,560 and 2,003 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Senior Hunter Under Saddle Horse, AQHA Performance Champion), SHEZA HOME WRECKER ($14,110 and 438.5 AQHA points: AQHYA World Western Pleasure Int. Exhibitor Champion; Superior Western Pleasure), HESA HOT ZIPPO ($57,640 and 229.5 AQHA points: Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old $250,000 Limited Open Western Pleasure Challenge Reserve Champion; Superior Western Pleasure), SL MISS ALLI ($54,170 and 566.5 AQHA points: Southern Belle Inv. Futurity 3-Year-Old Slot Western Pleasure Novice Horse Open Reserve Champion; Superior Western Pleasure).
DAM: CHIP KISSED ME TOO (2007). A daughter of CHIPS COOKIE MONSTER; sire of 16 money-earners and earners of 1,608 AQHA points, including GIMMIE SAMOA COOKIES ($18,765 and 317 AQHA points: AQHA High Point 4thLEVEL Dressage Amateur Champion; AQHA Amateur Versatility Champion), THE GOLDEN CHIP (25 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Amateur Halter Stallions Reserve Champion), BLUSHING FANCY CHIP ($4,548 and 78.5 AQHA points: NSBA World Novice Youth Trail Champion), SENSATIONAL COOKIE (P) (APHA World Senior Trail Champion), THE CHOCOLATE CHIPER ($27,717 and 196 AQHA points: top 10 Congress Amateur Hunter Under Saddle, Superior Amateur Hunter Under Saddle), FRECKLE FACE CHIP ($18,861 and 191 AQHA points: 5th AQHA High Point Junior Barrel Racing, Superior Barrel Racing), THE GOLD LEXUS (37 AQHA points: Color Breed Congress PHBA Junior Western Pleasure Champion), COOKIEZ (Color Breed Congress ABRA Open Longe Line Champion).
QData 4/2022