PERFORMANCE RECORD: Earner of $1,376. In 2020: finalist NRCHA $7,500 Limited Open Futurity; NRCHA Futurity Preliminaries Herd Work $7,500 Limited Open Reserve Champion; SHOT Hamilton Texas September Ranch Reining L1 Open Reserve Champion; in AQHA competition: 1 VRH ranch riding (L3) point in open events.
NOTES: "Frosty" has the most captivating personality! We cannot put into words how much of a people-horse he is. On his back, he is forgiving, kind, simple and easy to ride, going as slow or fast as the rider asks. Whatever the task at hand, he'll be there ready to win in the show pen, brand on the ranch, cruise the mountainside trails or handle a steer in the roping pen. A finished bridle horse, he willfully guides, lopes beautiful cadenced circles, has a flawless lead change, will plus his spins as well as his stops. He has a ton of natural cow, reads one as well, has the foot speed and is never up in the bridle. Water crossing, bridges, bicycles, wild game, crowds, strollers do not phase him. Be sure to watch his bareback and bridle-less video; it will speak for his talent. A fun head and heel horse with all the bells and whistles, very showy in the pen. You name it we have done it aboard "Frosty!"
SIRE: SHINE BIG TIME (1999). $32,081: finalist NRBC Open Derby twice. Sire of 32 money-earners, including BIG TIME JAZZY ($51,618).
DAM: ZANSGENUINELIGHTNING (2001). 6th WFQHA World Junior Heeling. Dam of CATS GENUINE JOKER ($15,864: 4th NRCHA Int. Non-Pro Futurity, 7th NRCHA Non-Pro Futurity).
QData 12/2022
Check back soon for the complete pedigree!