Hip No.
Consigned by Salvador Torres
Hip No.
WB Shesa Battle
2014 Sorrel Mare
Peppy San Badger
Peppy Sanbar
Lady Charbar
Stormys Peppy
Big Jim Battle Bar SI 93
Big Jims Baby
Lucky Ropers April
WB Shesa Battle
Diamonds Buzz Bar
Dukes Flying Feather
Almost Like Daddy
Shesa Flying Lynx
Smoke Fifty
Miss Lynx Camp
Lynx Camp Beauty
NOTES: This 9-year-old mare has truly done it all and is a performer through and through. Take her in either side of the roping box, pick up at the rodeo, or let your kids love her. She is a hard-working horse that loves to have a job and please you until the last hour of a hard day. Bone, foot, and heart to last a lifetime. She will be a winner in the performance pen or the first pick in your work line. Consigned by Salvador Torres (620) 789-0265
QData 11/2023