Hip No.
Consigned by Pam Cole
Hip No.
Lucindas Boomin Acre
April 1, 2023 Chestnut Filly
Docs Leavem Smoke
Smart Little Lena
Fives Little Lena
Fives Hermana
Lucindas Boomin Acre
Dual Pep
Dualin Olena
Lenas Lucinda
Mis Dualin For Acres
Bob Acre Doc
Acre Meant For Sugar
Sugars Madonna
NOTES: Very athletic and put together filly that has the potential to go any direction. She has a good mind and very willing to learn.
SIRE: HABOOMAMATADA (2004). 7th Scottsdale Classic Int. Open Reining Futurity; finalist NRHA Limited Open Derby. DUST OFF THE MALBEC (AP) (6th Spring Showdown Barrel Racing Sidepot Round 2 Youth 4D). Son of BOOMERNIC, $113,128: NRHA Open Futurity Champion; AQHA Reserve World Champion Junior Reining Horse; West Coast RHA Spectacular 4/5-Year-Old Open Champion; Lazy E Classic Reining 4/5-Year-Old Open Co-Reserve Champion; Blue Ribbon Reining 3/4-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Hackamore Champion; Open Perf. ROM. Sire of 219 money-earners, $2,024,119, and earners of 4,899 AQHA points, including BOOM SHERNIC ($278,315: NRBC Open Derby Champion), COMMANDERS NIC ($258,815: 4th NRHA Open Futurity), MR BOOMERJAC ($138,829 and 104.5 AQHA points: split 5th NRHA Open Futurity, Superior Reining).
DAM: MIS DUALIN FOR ACRES (2017). Half-sister to DUALLING ACRE ($5,036: 3rd Minnesota CHA Jacks Are Wild Futurity Open). A daughter of DUALIN OLENA, $11,389: finalist NCHA Eastern Nationals $2,000 Limited Rider; West Oklahoma CHA Open Classic Co-Reserve Champion; money-earner Iowa CHA All-Age $2,000 Limited Rider; NCHA Area 12 $10 Champion; NCHA Area 12 $10,000 Amateur Reserve Champion. Sire of 4 money-earners, including TFR DUALIN LANE ($5,678: split 4th Missoula Stampede PRCA/WPRA Rodeo Breakaway Roping), A REAL DUAL ($3,112: split 3rd Spring Showdown Barrel Racing Open 3D), etc.
QData 12/2024