Hip No.
Consigned by John Hightower (Brenham, TX)
Hip No.
Playboys Neat Dream
2014 Red Roan Gelding
Lean With Me
Dunits Lean Dream
Redun It
JK Neat Dream
JK Copper Bruce
JK Neata Copper
Kick N Squirt
Playboys Neat Dream
Doc's Lynx
Kiowa De Lynx
Skip De Sugar
Ag Playboys Lynx
Kinky Playboy
Playboys Miss Rock
My Dodger Rock
NOTES: PURCHASED FROM BREEDER. "Lambo" is a seven year old red roan ranch gelding that ranches, trails and heels. He has also been used on the head side. He's been used on the ranch in all aspects. Stands 15.1, weighs 1,200 and is gentle and 100% sound. In training with John Hightower. Will be shown in the team roping preview. FMI (979) 571-7001.
SIRE: JK NEAT DREAM (2006). Son of DUNITS LEAN DREAM; sire of 3 money-earners, including JK DUNITS BARDAIRA (5th Alberta Barrels Assoc. Finals Round 1 Youth 3D), JK HEZA LEAN BEAN (6th PROSPECTOR Challenge Barrels #2 Open 2D class), JK MOON DREAMER (6th Classic Equine Barrels Open 5D). Son of LEAN WITH ME, $45,620 and 64 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Senior Reining Horse; AQHA World Champion Junior Working Cow Horse; AQHA Reserve High Point Senior Reining Champion; AQHA Reserve High Point Reining Champion; NRHA Open Derby Champion; Superior Reining. Sire of 141 money-earners and earners of 3,270 AQHA points, including LEAN WITH HOLLYWOOD ($120,217 and 19.5 AQHA points: 4th NRBC Open Derby), STYLE WITH ME ($38,958 and 19 AQHA points: NRHA Int. Non-Pro World Champion).
DAM: AG PLAYBOYS LYNX (2003). Half-sister to ROYAL LENA ROCK (NCHA money-earner), and a daughter of KIOWA DE LYNX; sire of 2 money-earners, including KIOWA DE BOY (58 AQHA points: PHBA World NRHA Reining Stakes Amateur Champion; Superior Reining). Son of DOC'S LYNX, $9,856: split 5th NCHA Open Futurity; NCHA Open Derby Champion. Sire of 387 money-earners, $6,281,594, and earners of 2,466 AQHA points.
QData 9/2021