Hip No.
Consigned by Don Ewen
Hip No.
Eg Red Diamond
2015 Red Roan Gelding
CD Olena
I CD Cow
Snip's Cherie
Gun Slinging Dual
Chula Dual
Solanos Chula Dual
Solano San Badger
Eg Red Diamond
Paprika Pine
Krogs Spike
Vanzi's Dody
Eg Dixie Skipper
Sunny Crest Beau
Jackie Beau Bee
Show Poco Judy
NOTES: Diamond is 15 hands tall. He is a pretty roan with white socks, good to catch and trim. I have taken this horse to the Rocky Mountains the last 3 years. I have checked pastures, drug logs, and ponied colts with him.
QData 1/2022