Hip No.
Consigned by Susie Schooler
Hip No.
Taris Dirty Martini
2011 Dun Mare
Haidas Sugar Doc
Slydun Haida
Double Play Sandy
Slydun Dirty
Twistin Handle
Twistin Bar Honey
Amarillo Charger
Taris Dirty Martini
Taris Catalyst
Taris Lil Peppy
Peppys Freckle Face
Taris Gin Fizz
Tanquery Gin
Gins Sweet Lena
Sweet Yesterdays
NOTES: 15 Hand All Around Mare. Loves to work. Has been worked on the flag and will watch a cow. You can throw a rope off her or drag anything behind her. Will cross water, bridges, go through any obstacle. Works off legs or light rein. Has been lightly started around the barrels, will stop and can turn around. Easy keeper and easy to catch in the pasture. Never been to the sale barn.
QData 1/2022