Hip No.
Consigned by Roger Trejo
Hip No.
Docs Double Dippin
2015 Sorrel Gelding
Peppy San Badger
Smartest Little Pep
Barb A Doc
Smartest Solano San
Solanos Peppy San
So Lena Solano
Docs Double Dippin
Good Ole Doc
Doc El Pobre
Pobres Triste
Double Dip Sunday
Titan Jet SI 91
Double Deck Missy
Fleet A Go Go
NOTES: Copperhead is a 15 hands finished heel/ranch gelding. This guy has a 9–5 during the week then jackpots and rodeos on the weekends. He’s been used every where from loading trucks, branding pen and doctoring outside, no stranger to the pay window as well. He’s gentle and quiet with no bad habits.
QData 7/2022