Hip No.
Consigned by Tammy Burgard
Hip No.
Cornflake (Grade)
2013 Palomino Gelding
Cornflake (Grade)
NOTES: This is a big, stout, gentle gelding. He has been used for all aspects of ranch work and trail riding. Can pasture rope and will hold a rope. Good in rough country, will cross water, logs and deep ditches. He is smooth-gated. Great trail horse, good in the front or back. Fine with traffic, dogs, and equipment. He loads and hauls easily. Always gentle even when left to stand for long periods of time. Could be an occasional rider's trail horse (husband horse) or working ranch horse. Fit enough to go all day long. We used him to gather cattle and was also used on the 2022 Buffalo Round Up in Custer State Park.
QData 5/2024