Hip No.
Consigned by Pete Swartzentruber
Hip No.
Peptos Lil Corona
2020 Bay Gelding
Fire Water Flit SI 86
Corona Fire
Charlene Boon
Just Fire
Silver Enchantment
Just Rite Blue
Was So Rite
Peptos Lil Corona
Lenas Lil Boon
Lenas Joy
Lil Pepto Elle
Little Exclusive
El Little Elle Mae
Leos Doc Holiday
NOTES: "Petos Lil Corona" AKA Waylon. Waylon is 3 yrs old coming on 4. Stands 14.2 hands, Waylon is built short and solid with a ton of athleticism along with that eye catching appearance which makes him even more fun to ride. Waylon knows his way around the cattle industry very well. He's very good at it from gathering/doctoring/sorting and working at the stockyards. He will lope pretty circles and has a good stop along with a nice turn around. Waylon has been on countless overnight camping trips. Loads and hauls great. His personality and good looks alone with his athleticism could bring a lot of excitement for the next show season.
QData 11/2023