Hip No.
Consigned by Monroe Ranch
Hip No.
CBM Kings Peptoboone
2015 Gray Gelding
Blue Bayou Boon
Max A Lena
Kings Blue Bayou
Doc O San
San King Tammy
King Hankins Tammy
CBM Kings Peptoboone
Bart Bartender
Rhinestone Eyed Dude
Rhinestones Doc Lil
Rhinestone ID Doc
Hard Luck Bay
Docs Fancy Jo
Docs Little Chaw
NOTES: This is a 5 yr old ranch gelding that has been used in all aspects of ranch work as well as at the sale barn. He will go all day long, is gentle and 100% sound. In training with Nathan Schmidt. Scar on top of right hip.
SIRE: KINGS BLUE BAYOU (2007). Son of BLUE BAYOU BOON, $97,342: split 3rd Brazos Bash Open Classic; 3rd Southern Open Classic; semi-finalist NCHA Open Super Stakes; finalist Memphis Open Classic; split 4th The Non-Pro Non-Pro Derby. Sire of 32 money-earners, 13 AQHA point-earners, including CHIQUITA BOON ($191,163: NCHA $3,000 Novice World Champion), SS BLACKS LIL KITTY ($187,398: NCHA Junior Youth Co-Reserve World Champion; NCHA Bronze Award), MISS CHIQUITA BOON ($96,130: finalist NCHA Open Futurity; NCHA Bronze Award), SPECIAL BLUE BAYOU ($86,983 and 13 AQHA points: Brazos Bash Non-Pro Classic Reserve Champion), BOON BE BLACK ($56,046: top 10, NCHA Open Super Stakes), BLUE BOON BOB ($19,570 and 59.5 AQHA points: AQHA Select World Team Penning Int. Exhibitor Reserve Champion), LUNA REY BOON ($4,190 and 138.5 AQHA points: AQHA Reserve World Champion Junior Tie-Down Roping Horse, Superior Heeling), HL BONITA BOON ($41,592: Congress Open Derby Reserve Champion), SS BILLY BOON ($34,798: split 9th South Point Winter Cutting $10,000 Limited Open Derby), SS FLASHY BLACK ($33,519: 4th Utah CHA Fall Non-Pro Derby), BOB ACRE BOON ($17,115: top 10 NCHA Eastern Nationals $5,000 Novice Horse Non-Pro), BOONE BOBBY SOX ($4,743: Central Utah CHA Fall Open Derby Co-Reserve Champion), ROYAL LENA GIN ($3,837 and 40 AQHA points: Dixie National Stock Show NCHA Judge 2 Non-Pro Derby Champion), SS KAYBOON ($3,700: semi-finalist NCHA Amateur Futurity).
DAM: RHINESTONE ID DOC (2006). Granddaughter of BART BARTENDER, 29 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM; AQHA World Junior Heeling qualifier. Sire of TWO EYED COWBOY JACK (FQHR World Roundup & Review Halter Yearling Stallion Open Reserve Champion), COWBOY LAST ECHO (AQHA point-earner, AQHA Select World Heading qualifier), BART LADY TE (AQHA point-earner), MP MOONLIGHTING BART (AQHA point-earner), PBR BARTS WATCH (64.5 AQHA points: $1,802, AQHA World Junior Heading qualifier). He is by TWO ID BARTENDER, and 183 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Heading Horse; AQHA World Champion Junior Heeling Horse; Denver National Stock Show Senior Reining Reserve Champion; top 10 AQHA World Junior Working Cow Horse; Wyoming RCHA Futurity Hackamore Reserve Champion; AQHA Champion; Superior Heeling. Sire of 17 money-earners and earners of 1,447 AQHA points, including TWO ID SWEET JACK (330.5 AQHA points: 7th AQHA World Senior Heeling, AQHA Performance Champion), BARTENDERS LAST CALL ($12,923 and 385.5 AQHA points: finalist AQHA World Amateur Heeling, Superior Amateur Heeling), JACKS MY BARTENDER ($3,727 and 93 AQHA points: top 10 AQHA World Senior Heading, Superior Heading), TWO ID HAT (83 AQHA points; Superior Heeling, AQHA World Junior Heeling qualifier), BART BARTENDER (29 AQHA points: AQHA World Junior Heeling qualifier), SET EM UP BARTENDER (46 AQHA points: top 10 AQHA World Junior Heading).
QData 9/2020