Hip No.
Consigned by Colton Gilbert
Hip No.
Peptos Bay Chic
2017 Bay Mare
Peppy San Badger
Royal Blue Boon
Peptos Boon Shadow
Dry Doc
Dry Shadow
Lil Peps Shadow
Peptos Bay Chic
Freckles Playboy
Freckles Commando
Commander Quixote
Docs Red Lass
Doc's Hickory
SR Docs Lass
La Lassie
NOTES: This filly has had reined cow horse training and has been ridden in and out of the arena. She has also been used to turnback. She has a small vertical scar on the inside of her front left leg which does not affect her soundness. NRBC enrolled. NRHA Competition License. Sister to PEPTOS ALL ABOUT ME.
SIRE: PEPTOS BOON SHADOW (2001). 8 AQHA points: split 5th Kalpowar RCH Open Derby; 9th Drought Buster RCH Open Derby. Sire of 11 money-earners, including PEPTOS NIC IN TIME (P) (APHA World Ranch Trail Sweepstakes Open Champion), PEPTOS SILVER GYPSY (P) (APHA World Solid Amateur Reining Champion), PEPTOS MOVING TARGET ($8,195 and 130 AQHA points: AQHA World L2 Open Senior Tie-Down Roping Champion; Superior Heeling), PEPTOS ALL ABOUT ME ($6,480 and an AQHA point-earner: NRCHA Hackamore Classic $7,500 Limited Open Champion), PEPTOS SILVER HOLLY (P) ($4,981: NSHA RCH Amateur Futurity Reserve Champion), PEPTOS BAY SHADOW (24 AQHA points: Southwest RCHA Fall Amateur Derby Reserve Champion), PEPTOS SHOOTING STAR (AQHA point-earner), PEPTOS NBM RUGER (P) ($1,766 reining), PEPTOS RIGHT ON QUE (7th NRCHA Futurity Preliminary Amateur), PEPTOS LUCKY SHOT (Heritage Days RCH Hackamore Non-Pro class winner), DOUBLE GEE PEPTO (split 6th Michigan Slide-In Reining Rookie class), PEPTOS WHIRLAWAY (Reiner Shine Limited Open Reining class winner), STAR LIGHT (barrel money-earner). Son of PEPTOBOONSMAL, $180,487: NCHA Open Futurity Champion. An AQHA Top 10 All-Time Sire of RCH Point-Earners; A QData Top 10 All-Time Sire of Ranch Riding Money-Earners; 2019 & 2019 AQHA Top 25 Sire of Speed Event Point-Earners. Sire of 901 money-earners, $27,600,488, and earners of 8,560 AQHA points, including LITTLE PEPTO GAL ($523,742: NCHA Horse of the Year, NCHA Hall of Fame).
DAM: DOCS RED LASS (1995). Dam of 12 AQHA foals, 3 money-earners, including PEPTOS ALL ABOUT ME ($6,480 and an AQHA point-earner: NRCHA Hackamore Classic $7,500 Limited Open Champion; finalist NRCHA $7,500 Limited Open Futurity, Wild Rag RCH Cattle Classic $7,500 Limited Open Derby Co-Reserve Champion), PEPTOS BAY SHADOW (24 AQHA points: Southwest RCHA Fall Amateur Derby Reserve Champion; 3rd Southwest RCHA May Derby Amateur, AQHA Cattle L1 Champ Ranch Riding Jackpot L1 Select Amateur Reserve Champion), PEPTOS WHIRLAWAY (Reiner Shine Limited Open Reining class winner). Half-sister to PADDYS HICKORY LASS (Black Hills Stock Show Ranch Horse 3-Year-Old Open Reserve Champion), DOCS BWANA (NCHA money-earner), and a daughter of FRECKLES COMMANDO; sire of 5 money-earners, including LITTLE LEONA LYNX (34 AQHA points: 4th Montana Challenge Team Sorting Open), FRECKLES HICKORY BAY (8 AQHA points: 5th AQHYA World Ranch Sorting), MS MIGHTY COMMAND (AQHA point-earner), LENAS LONE CHEYENNE (AQHA point-earner, AQHYA World Team Penning qualifier), FRECKLES SMART GAL (AQHA point-earner), FRECKLES SMART GIRL (NCHA Certificate of Ability), MR HICKORY COMMAND (NCHA money-earner), DABILINS PLAYBOY (Barrel Bash Gifford Illinois October BBR Xtra Jackpot 4D Reserve Champion), ANB FRECKLES MY STAR (split 4th Florida RHA Spooky Slide Open Futurity).
QData 9/2020