Hip No.
Consigned by Diamond T Ranch
Hip No.
Becaco Echofour
2007 Buckskin Gelding
Doc O'Lena
Doctor Wood
Guthrie Red Ann
Doctor Echo
Gay Bar King
Gay Echo
Maude's Echo
Becaco Echofour
Double L Straw SI 95
Stage Line
Holly Joanie
Miss Becaco 437
Becaco Foei
Becaco Lady 40
NOTES: Echo has been with us for 5 years. He has done all aspects of ranch work - catch bulls, drag calves, work in the sale barn, etc.= whatever the job he can do it. He has been hauled to and won at USTRC and WS ropings - heading and heeling in the #8s to the 10s. 14.3 hands
QData 11/2020