Hip No.
Consigned by Dwyn Carter
Hip No.
Piper (Grade)
2011 Dun Gelding
Piper (Grade)
NOTES: Piper is a 9 year old grade quarter horse gelding. 15 hands, fancy dunn, with a gorgeous, thick mane and tail. Piper has a good foundation of training. He is very responsive to leg and seat cues, neck reins or direct reins, stops, backs, and side passes. He lopes nice balanced circles, picks up the correct lead, and is soft in the face. Piper has worked cattle, been ridden on overnight camping trips, and can be tied to a picket line. He has great ground manners and stands perfectly for the farrier, grooming, saddling, and bathing. He ties like a gentleman and is always patient. Piper is SUPER safe in traffic. Fast-moving cars, large trucks, motorcycles and bicycles do not phase him at all.
QData 5/2024