Hip No.
Consigned by Rodey Wilson
Hip No.
Shorty Bar Sox
2014 Bay Gelding
Doc O'Lena
Shorty Lena
Moira Girl
Sporty Shorty
Boon Bar
Boon And A Blessing
Kates Lynx
Shorty Bar Sox
Grey Cutter
Four Sox Black
Sox Seven
Saritas Bar Sox
Handle Bar Lasan
Handle Bar Sarita
Cee My Talent
NOTES: Shorty Bar Sox “Chong” is a very good looking bay horse. We have been heeling on him in the arena and he has really come along! We have used him to brand, sort and gather. We have doctored wheat pasture cattle on him.  He would also make a neat breakaway horse! He wants to please!  100% Sound! 
QData 11/2020