Hip No.
Consigned by Sage Carter
Hip No.
Fishin Beaver Creek
2017 Gray Gelding
Smokey Duster Too
Smokeys Gray
Texie Bee Mckee
Smokeys Conclusive
The Conclusion
Conclusive Poco
Roseys Red Lady
Fishin Beaver Creek
Smokeys Gray
Smokeys Conclusive
Conclusive Poco
Best For Last Toots
Happy General
Lej Toots
Lej Pretty Smart
NOTES: Fishin Beaver Creek is a 2017 gray gelding that has had 30 days of riding thus far. He is Conclusive Poco bred on top and bottom. Very well-built horse! Wide hip, stout shoulder span and strong stance. Has an extraneous amount of potential.
QData 1/2021