1st dam
Peppy San Gal, by Peppy San Badger. Dam of 15 AQHA foals age 3 & over, 4 AQHA point-earners, 11 money-earners, $392,839, including–
ACRES UPON ACRES (c. by Bob Acre Doc). $97,045 and 15 AQHA points: top 10 NCHA Super Stakes Open Classic, finalist Congress World Series Open, Bluebonnet Cutting Stakes Open Classic Reserve Champion.
BOBS LITTLE PEPPY (g. by Bob Acre Doc). $68,311: NCHA Open Classic/Challenge Co-Reserve Champion, 3rd Abilene Spectacular Open Derby, money-earner Chisholm Trail CHA Open Derby, 6th NCHA Eastern Nationals $3,000 Novice.
TOM ACRE (g. by Bob Acre Doc). $64,796: finalist NCHA Super Stakes Limited Non-Pro Classic, 4th NCHA Super Stakes Classic $10,000 Novice Horse Non-Pro, 4th NCHA Eastern Nationals $35,000 Non-Pro.
LITTLE PEPPY ACRE (c. by Bob Acre Doc). $41,569: finalist Memphis Cutting 4-Year-Old Non-Pro Futurity, Bluebonnet Cutting Stakes 4-Year-Old Non-Pro Reserve Champion.
ASFARASTHEEYECANSEE (c. by Bob Acre Doc). $35,035 and 24 AQHA points: finalist Abilene Spectacular Open Derby and Memphis 4-Year-Old Open Futurity.
LAUREL NICOLE (f. by Bob Acre Doc). Above.
ROCK OF ACRES (g. by Bob Acre Doc). $20,441: Gum Tree Cutting 4-Year-Old Open Futurity Reserve Champion.
MISS PEPPY ACRE (f. by Bob Acre Doc). $19,954: ACHA $10,000 Novice Horse Open Reserve Champion, ACHA Senior Youth Champion.
Macho Peppy San Acre (c. by Macho Acre). $5,455: 3rd Waco Texas Open Futurity.
Ultimate Acre (g. by Bob Acre Doc). $4,499: NCHA Certificate of Ability.
San Sou Si (g. by Bob Acre Doc). $3,146: NCHA Area 10 $2,000 Limited Rider Reserve Champion.
Ms Acre (f. by Bob Acre Doc). Dam of–
VR COWGIRL KAKIE (f. by Cowboy Cattylac). $78,754: Brazos Bash Open Futurity Reserve Champion, 5th Bonanza Open Derby.
VR WILSON BLUE (c. by Laredo Blue). $26,421: PK Cutting October Open Futurity Champion, NCHA Area 17 $10,000 Novice Reserve Champion.