Hip No.
Consigned by Marty Powers, Agent for Gene Cox
Hip No.
2021 Brown Mare
Dash For Cash SI 114
First Down Dash SI 105
First Prize Rose SI 98
Ocean Runaway SI 105
Runaway Winner SI 104
Runaway Wave SI 105
In The Curl TB
Streakin La Jolla SI 99
Mr Jess Perry SI 113
Scoopie Fein SI 99
Jess A Dreamgirl
Strawfly Special SI 97
Allamericandreamgirl SI 103
Dashing Phoebe SI 104
By OCEAN RUNAWAY SI 105 (2002). Champion, 10 wins, $1,642,498, Los Alamitos Million Fut. [G1]. Brother to WAVE CARVER SI 104 (Champion). Sire of 311 ROM, 18 stakes winners, $7,839,710, including AMERICAN RUNAWAY SI 105 (Champion, $686,355, Ruidoso Fut. [G1]), ENDLESS OCEAN SI 102 (6 wins, $270,322, Harrah's Fut. [G2]), FIERCE RUNAWAY SI 108 (6 wins, $122,162), AN OCEAN ROCKET SI 105 ($104,890, Ruidoso Derby Chlg. [G3]), The Steel Wave SI 104 ($206,402 [G2]), Ocean Fun SI 110 ($160,409 [G1]).
1st dam
Jess A Dreamgirl, by Mr Jess Perry. Unplaced. Dam of 2 foals of racing age, 2 to race, both winners–
Cottonpickintrain SI 85 (g. by Freighttrain B). 2 wins to 3, 2022, $12,053, finalist in Firecracker Derby [G3].
Secret Dreamgirl SI 87 (f. by Hez Our Secret). Winner in 1 start at 2, $8,730.
2nd dam
Allamericandreamgirl SI 103, by Strawfly Special. 2 wins at 3, $35,671, finalist [G2]. Half sister to HEARTSWIDEOPEN SI 104 (Champion at 2 & 3, $1,885,283 [G1]), SPECIAL PHOEBE SI 104 (Champion Aged Mare), FURYOFTHEWIND SI 96 ($70,554 [G3]), DASHINGFORDESTINY SI 97 ($56,961 [R] [G3]; dam of FM IM A ZATANAZ TOO SI 96, $330,749 [G2]; TEMPTING DESTINY SI 95, $302,699 [G3]). Out of DASHING PHOEBE SI 104 (Champion at 2 & 3, AQHA Dam of Distinction, $609,553 [G1]). Dam of 25 ROM–
AMERICAN RUNAWAY SI 105 (c. by Ocean Runaway), Champion 2-Year-Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 4 wins to 3, $686,355, Ruidoso Futurity [G1], 2nd Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Rainbow Futurity [G1], Remington Futurity [G1]. Sire.
AMERICA RULES SI 97 (f. by Corona Cartel). 4 wins to 4, $108,623, Miss Ellen S., finalist in All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1], Decketta S. [G2].
TEMPTING DREAMGIRL SI 94 (f. by Tempting Dash). 2 wins to 3, $39,145, Four Corners Futurity.
FEATURE DREAMGIRL SI 95 (f. by Feature Mr Jess). 2 wins to 3, $27,827, North Dakota Horse Park Derby, 2nd MN Stallion Breeders/NCQHRA Derby [R]. Dam of–
FEATURE A RUNAWAY SI 96. 2 wins to 4, $46,820, Canterbury Park Derby, finalist in Two Rivers S. [G3].
Feature a Flash SI 95. Winner to 3, $8,818, 2nd North Dakota QHRA Futurity [R].
Allamerican Corona SI 103 (f. by Corona Cartel). Winner to 3, $12,473. Dam of–
Gatlinberg SI 95. 3 wins to 4, $26,512, 3rd Ajax Bonus Challenge Futurity.
Streamlyner SI 101. 2 wins to 3, $49,600.
Teller Ima Dream SI 93 (g. by Teller Cartel). 6 wins to 6, $50,275.
American Favorite SI 104 (g. by Favorite Cartel). 3 wins to 5, 2022, $49,438.
American Feature SI 83 (f. by Feature Mr Jess). Placed to 3, $3,165. Dam of–
VALIANT TIBERIAS SI 107. AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 12 wins to 5, $852,832, Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1], Downs at Albuquerque Fall Champ. [G1], Refrigerator S. [G1], Sooner State S. [R] [G1], Remington Champ. Challenge S. [G2], Mr. Jet Moore H. [G2], AQHA Derby Challenge Champ. S. [G3], Retama Challenge Champ. S., Ruidoso Derby Challenge, 2nd Zia Champ. S. [G1], etc.
PIRATE COVES HERO SI 106. 8 wins to 6, $110,473, Turf Paradise Champ. Challenge, Wayne Brasher S., 3rd Rillito Park Champ. Challenge S., finalist [G1].
Mi Babe SI 83 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Placed at 2. Dam of Get It Done Babe SI 105 ($71,309 [R] [G3]); granddam of QUID PRO QUO SI 103 ($100,815 [R] [G2]).
Coronas Dreamgirl (f. by Corona Cartel). Dam of ONE DASHING DREAM SI 102.
QData 3/2025