Hip No.
Consigned by Burns Ranch, Agent for Ron & Denise VanAmburgh/Jose Flores
Hip No.
Mr PYC To You SI 97
2013 Brown Stallion
Holland Ease SI 109
Corona Cartel SI 97
Corona Chick SI 113
PYC Paint Your Wagon SI 107
Strawfly Special SI 97
Dashin Follies
Dashing Folly SI 108
Mr PYC To You SI 97
The Signature SI 107
Vital Sign SI 105
Sure Is Nice
Stylish Sign SI 98
First Down Dash SI 105
Down Pillow SI 91
Sages Pillow Talk SI 102
By PYC PAINT YOUR WAGON SI 107 (2003). 7 wins, $889,581 [G1]. Sire of 990 ROM, 124 stakes winners, $39,122,180, including THE FISCAL CLIFF SI 109 (Champion, $580,425 [G1]), CURLS HAPPY WAGON SI 103 (Champion, $360,674 [G1]), MR PYC TO YOU SI 97 ($488,820 [G1]), PYC FUN N FANCY SI 104 ($478,760 [G3]), IM A FANCY PYC SI 92 ($454,765 [RG3]), THIS CANDYS AWESOME SI 105 ($434,265 [G2]), WAGON TALES SI 99 ($427,579), PAPAWS PAINT SI 101 ($423,111 [G2]), FREIGHTTRAIN B SI 115 ($421,761).
1st dam
Stylish Sign SI 98, by Vital Sign. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $28,306. Dam of 16 foals of racing age, 14 to race, 10 winners, 13 ROM–
MR PYC TO YOU SI 97 (c. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). Stakes winner, below.
FIRST PAINTED SIGN SI 104 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 4 wins to 3, $284,911, Speedhorse Futurity [R] [G1], Oklahoma Futurity [G2]. Dam of FIRST VALIANT SIGN SI 99 ($1,053,844, Ruidoso Futurity [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1], 2nd Rainbow Futurity [G1]), A TRES OF PAINT SI 98 ($509,184, Oklahoma Bred Derby [R] [G3], 2nd Heritage Place Futurity [G1]), APOLLITICAL SIGN SI 94 ($141,173 [G3]), A Tres of Sign SI 94 ($143,096 [G3]), My Favorite Sign SI 105 (6 wins, $75,585); granddam of A DASH OF SIGN SI 97 ($213,018, Southern California Derby [G2]), AJs Tres of Paint SI 96 ($291,416, 3rd Heritage Place Futurity [G1]), A Tres of Eagle SI 96 ($50,517), Jess Painted Hocks SI 86 (at 2, 2022, $23,360).
SECOND PAINTED SIGN SI 101 (c. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 6 wins to 3, $101,604, Will Rogers Derby Challenge, Oklahoma Horsemen's Assoc. Derby Final [R], finalist in AQHA Derby Challenge Champ. [G2], qualified to Speedhorse Futurity [G2]. Sire.
Signs Zoomer SI 98 (f. by Shazoom). 3 wins at 2, $30,044, finalist in Oklahoma Horsemen's Assoc. Futurity [R] [G2]. Dam of THE FISCAL CLIFF SI 109 (Champion Aged Stallion, $580,425, AQHA CHallenge Champ. [G1]), WAGON TALES SI 99 ($427,579, A Ransom H., Remington Juv. [R], 3rd All American Futurity [G1]), THE POLAR VORTEX SI 104 ($143,416, Prairie Meadows Distaff Challenge [G3]), A Valiant Zoomer SI 95 ($69,567, 3rd Texas Classaic Derby [G1]), Jeriko SI 94.
Stolin Sign SI 89 (f. by Stoli). Winner to 5. Dam of DF Apollitical Sign SI 99 ($70,551, 2nd Canterbury Park Derby, Will Rogers Distaff Challenge, finalist [G1]).
Third Painted Sign (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). Unraced. Dam of A PAINTED DYNASTY SI 101 ($249,982), DOC LAMB SI 95 ($151,630).
RACE RECORD: At 2, two wins, once 2nd, finalist in Rainbow Fut. [G1] in 4 starts; at 3, two wins, once 2nd, twice 3rd; at 4, Superior Race Horse, California High-Point Aged Stallion, 2 wins (CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS S. [G1]), once 2nd (Los Alamitos Champ. Chlg. [G3]), once 3rd (Z Wayne Griffin Directors Inv. - Div 1), finalist in AQHA Chlg. Champ. S. [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1], Go Man Go H. [G1], Kaweah Bar S. [G3]; at 5, unplaced; finalist in Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1], Los Alamitos Invitational Champ. [G1]. Totals: 6 wins, 3 times 2nd, 3 times third. EARNED $488,820.
SIRE RECORD: Sire of 3 crops, 32 AQHA registered foals, 2 crops of racing age, 25 foals of racing age, 16 starters, 10 ROM, including DASHIN APPROACH SI 99 (3 wins to 3, 2022, $85,847, New Mexico Breeders Fut. [R] [G3]; fnl in Eastex S. [G2], New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G3], New Mexico State Fair Fut. [R] [G3]), Mr Easy SI 92 (winner, $31,410), Mrs PYC To You SI 83 (winner to 3, 2022, $16,530), Give Me Sum Sugarpyc SI 87 (winner to 3, 2022, $11,556), VF Mr Fine SI 84 (winner at 2, 2022, $9,360), Sugar Oh Honey Honey SI 80 (placed at 2, 2022, $10,334).
Seller retains 6 non-cumulative breedings per year, details in sale office.
QData 12/2024