1st dam
DTF Puddin Cake SI 86, by Dash Ta Fame. Placed in 2 starts at 2. Barrel money-earner. Dam of 9 foals of racing age, 5 barrel money-earners–
Sirious Inquirys Only (g by Blazin Jetolena). Unraced. $35,391 barrels: finalist in Old Fort Days Barrel Futurity and Breeders Challenge Barrel Futurity Finale Semi-Finals, Barrel Bash Chickasha Select Stallion Stakes Reserve Champion, etc.
Blazing Cake (g. by Blazin Jetolena). Unraced. $6,530 barrels: Royal Crown Breeders Rock Springs 2D Derby Go #2 winner; C-N Barrel Warmup 4D winner.
Cuz Puddin Can (f. by Jesscuzican). Unraced. Barrel money-earner.
2nd dam
Misty Blurr SI 97, by Murrtheblurr TB. Winner at 2, $3,242. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 ROM, 7 barrel money-earners–
Sir Patrick Blurr SI 90 (g. by Dash Ta Fame). Placed. $129,158 barrels: Pro-Tour Juvenile Barrel Futurity Champion, finalist Old Fort Days barrel Derby.
Misty Blurr Ta Fame (g. by Dash Ta Fame). Unplaced at 2. $50,389 barrels: Sunrise Breeders Barrel Maturity Champion, Breckenridge Rodeo Barrel Champion, Arizona Gold Barrel Derby Reserve Champion twice.
Soul Flame (g. by Dash Ta Fame). Unraced. $43,408 barrels: Speedhorse Gold Cup Barrel Futurity Reserve Champion, 5th Speedhorse Silver Cup Barrel Futurity.
Dashing Mistafier (g. by Dash Ta Fame). $36,140 barrels and 58.5 AQHA points: AQHA Reserve World Champion Junior Barrel Horse; finalist BFA World Barrel Futurity.
Dash Buttercup (f. by Dash Ta Fame). Unraced. $14,057 barrels: 5th Classic Equine Barrel Futurity Slot race. Dam of–
Fames Syzygy. Unraced. $65,858 barrels: Sundre PRCA Rodeo Champion, Valley West Stampede Rodeo Champion, Stavely PRCA Rodeo Champion, etc.
French Butterscotch. Unraced. $11,596 barrel racing.
Mistys Dash Of Fame (f. by Dash Ta Fame). Unraced. Dam of–
KN Fabs Gift Of Fame. $1,013,411 barrels: WPRA NFR Rodeo Champion and multiple go-round winner; The American Rodeo Semi-Finals Champion, BBR World Futurity Champion, Magic Valley Stampede Rodeo Champion, etc. Dam of–
KN Streak N Fabulous. Unraced. $58,359 barrels: Yuma County Fair Rodeo Champion.
RR Mistakelly. Unraced. $295,072 barrels: Kinder Cup Barrel Championship Slot Champion, LG Int'l Championship Slot Champion and 4-Year-Old Futurity Champion.
Jets Heart N Soul. Unraced. $233,573 barrels: Pink Buckle Futurity Reserve Champion, Old Fort Days Barrel Derby Champion, Ardmore Barrel Derby Champion, etc.
KN Fabs Mist Of Fame. Unraced. $193,008 barrels: Old Fort Days Barrel Futurity Champion, WPRA NFR Rodeo Go-Round Reserve Champion. Dam of–
RR Tooslick Eye Mist. Unraced. $138,181 barrels: Pink Buckle 1D Futurity Round 1 Reserve Champion, 5th BFA World Super Stakes.
Mistys Money Blurr. Unraced. $85,877 barrels: Ardmore Barrel Futurity Champion.