PRODUCE RECORD: 2008 BLAZIN SON SI 99 (embt), g. by First Down Dash. 4 wins to 4, $32,319, Town Policy S.
2009 Blazin Fuego SI 86 (embt), c. by First Down Dash. Placed at 2.
2009 Illegal Smile SI 94 (embt), g. by FDD Dynasty. 3 wins to 3, $76,830, 2nd Los Alamitos Juvenile Challenge, 3rd PCQHRA Breeders' Futurity [G2], finalist Juv. Chlg. Champ. [G2].
2010 Blaze Carver SI 97 (embt), c. by Wave Carver. 2 wins to 4, $89,534, 2nd Delta Dash S., Streakin La Jolla S., 3rd Rainbow Futurity [G1], Swift S.
2010 Blazin Cartel SI 104 (embt), c. by Corona Cartel. Winner to 4, $23,911.
2011 FIRE BURNING SI 93 (embt), f. by Valiant Hero. 3 wins to 4, $81,323, Lubbock S. [G3], 2nd Hialeah Junior Inv. Mat. [R], 3rd South Florida Inv, finalist in Decketta S. [G3].
2011 Dirt Road Anthem (embt), g. by Teller Cartel. Unraced.
2011 Store Front SI 86 (embt), g. by Teller Cartel. Placed twice in 2 starts to 3.
2011 An Ocean Blaze (embt), f. by Ocean Runaway. Unraced. Deceased.
2012 Blazin Hero SI 102 (embt), g. by Valiant Hero. 3 wins to 4, $43,358.
2012 Hello In There SI 89 (embt), g. by Carters Cartel. Placed to 7, $9,473.
2013 Blazin Jim SI 86 (embt), g. by Carters Cartel. Winner to 4, $3,604.
2013 Blazin Ms Perry (embt), f. by Mr Jess Perry. Placed at 2, ($4,314 USA), in Mexico, 3rd Hipodromo Juvenile Challenge [R]. Dam of Blazzin Fritz SI 98 ($27,497 in Mexico).
2014 Fire Breathing Wagon SI 94 (embt), c. by PYC Paint Your Wagon. 3 wins, $13,829. Sire.
2014 EOS Firewater SI 87 (embt), g. by Wave Carver. Placed to 3, $6,045.
2014 Blazin Eagle SI 91 (embt), g. by One Famous Eagle. 2 wins to 3, $39,680.
2015 Smokin Lil Secret SI 86 (embt), f. by No Secrets Here. Placed to 3, $10,688.
2015 Blazin Prize Doc SI 95 (embt), g. by First Prize Doc. 3 wins to 4, $21,096.
2016 Kamila SI 89 (embt), f. by Dominyun. Winner at 2, $10,670.
2016 Sweet Blazin Fire SI 90 (embt), f. by Sweet First Down. Winner to 4, $12,784.
2017 Liarliar Hocksonfire SI 94 (embt), g. by Kiss My Hocks. 2 wins to 3, $96,545, 2nd Mystery Futurity R [G3], FL Lady Bug S. [R], finalist in Oklahoma Bred Futurity R [G1].
2017 Blazin High Return (embt), f. by High Rate Of Return. Unplaced.
2018 VF Georgia Jess (embt), f. by Apollitical Jess. Unraced. Deceased.
2019 Liaison On Fire (embt), g. by Sixes Liaison. Unplaced.
2019 Apollitical Sin (embt), f. by Apollitical Jess. Unplaced in 2 starts.
2019 Royal Fire Wagon SI 87 (embt), f. by My Royal Wagon. 2 wins to 3, $27,150.
2020 First Down Seis, f. by Mr Apollitical Dash. Has not started.