Hip No.
Consigned by Red Earth Training Center/Westwin Farms
Hip No.
Onefastheifer SI 88
(APHA) 2017 Bay Tobiano Mare
Corona Cartel SI 97
Cartel Success (Q) SI 109
Dashing Mariah SI 94
CRM Livewire (P) SI 103
Texas Hero SI 101 
Elaina Go Go SI 93
Elaina Sweetness (Q) SI 88
Onefastheifer SI 88
APHA 1075186
The Signature SI 107
Meter Me Gone SI 112
Lady Meter Reader
By The Second (Q) SI 99
Nother Kinda Man SI 107
Nother Mis Sabre SI 98
Mis Sabre Citation SI 96
By CRM LIVEWIRE (APHA) SI 103 (2009 b/t). APHA World Champion 2 years, $100,708 [G1]. Sire of 149 ROM, 30 stakes winners, $6,516,628, including BULLY PULPIT SI 103 (Champion 8 times, $319,909, Speedhorse Graham Fut. [G1]), SOUTHERN ELECTRIC SI 100 (Solid World Champion, $320,244, Speedhorse P&A Fut. [G1]), RP LIVE WIRE DASH SI 102 (Solid World Champion, $151,343 [G1]), LIVE MOONSHINE SI 99 (World Champion, $269,925 [G1]), HOTWIREDOTCOM SI 84 (World Champion, $114,526 [G1]).
1st dam
By The Second SI 99, by Meter Me Gone. 5 wins to 4, $26,571. Sister to Who Said Go SI 101. Dam of 10 foals of racing age (2 APHA), 9 to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM–
Onefastheifer (APHA) SI 88 (f. by CRM Livewire [P]). Stakes placed winner, below.
I Know How Now SI 114 (g. by Now I Know). 6 wins to 10, $52,858.
Moore Swissle SI 95 (g. by Swissle Stick TB). 2 wins to 7, $45,525.
Iridescent Gray SI 95 (f. by Striking Distance). 2 wins to 5, $25,913.
Blowin Dust SI 96 (f. by Furyofthewind). Winner to 3, $15,573, finalist in NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3].
2nd dam
Nother Mis Sabre SI 98, by Nother Kinda Man. 4 wins to 3, $7,027. Sister to HONORARY MAN SI 94, One More Citation SI 83. Dam of 9 foals to race, 8 winners, 8 ROM–
Who Said Go SI 101 (f. by Meter Me Gone). 6 wins to 6, $61,057, 3rd Cherry Creek Futurity [R] [G3].
Im Ornery Too SI 96 (g. by Super de Kas). 3 wins to 3, $11,027, 3rd Colorado Stallion Breeders' Derby [R], finalist in Colorado Stallion Breeders' Futurity [R] [G3].
A Head Ahead SI 94 (f. by Go Concord). 4 wins to 3, $9,124, 3rd Colorado Stallion Breeders' Derby [R], finalist in Colorado Stallion Breeders' Futurity [R] [G3].
3rd dam
Mis Sabre Citation SI 96, by Sabre Charge. 2 wins at 2. Sister to Sabre Citation SI 91. Dam of 13 foals to race, 8 winners, 12 ROM–
HONORARY MAN SI 94 (Nother Kinda Man). 2 wins to 3, $15,537, Colorado Stallion Breeders Sale Fut. [R], finalist in Colorado Stallion Breeders Fut. [R] [G3].
One More Citation SI 83 (Nother Kinda Man). 2 wins to 3, 3rd Western Slope Colorado-Bred Futurity.
Southmoor Citation SI 86 (Rocket Wrangler). Placed at 2. Dam of–
JLA Struttin Solo SI 90. 3 wins to 4, $39,185.
JLA Tookooltofool SI 100. 3 wins to 5, $22,851
4th dam
Miss Silver Bar, by Citation Bars. Winner at 2, 3rd Colorado Carnation. Half sister to Sabre Rill SI 91. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners, 6 ROM–
Sabre Citation SI 91 (Sabre Charge). 3 wins at 2, 2nd Western Slope Futurity.
Scheduled Arrival SI 93 (Easy Saint). Winner at 2, $3,034, 3rd Energy Downs Wyoming Bred Futurity [R]. Dam of ROBIN THE CASH SI 96; granddam of BOS BIG SHAMOON SI 92 ($59,633), FONEFIRST SI 98 (2 wins at 2).
RACE RECORD: At 2, once 3rd; at 3, one win, once 3rd (PSBA Derby [G1]). EARNED $15,312.
2022 Fast N Loose (b/s), f. by Painted Turnpike (APHA).
2023 PT Got A Filly (b/s), f. by Painted Turnpike (APHA).
BRED February 21, 2023, and believed in foal to SMITHWORKS (APHA).
Accredited Oklahoma Breeding Stock.
QData 12/2024