Hip No.
Consigned by Bielau Oaks, Agent
Hip No.
Tell Sissy Bye SI 85
2016 Sorrel Mare
Holland Ease SI 109
Corona Cartel SI 97
Corona Chick SI 113
Teller Cartel SI 108
Easy Jet SI 100
Jet Along Jamie SI 90
Jaimie Jay SI 102
Tell Sissy Bye SI 85
First Down Dash SI 105
Brookstone Bay SI 101
Le Ritz SI 92
Cold Stone Sissy SI 97
Man In The Money SI 107
Salado Sis SI 90
Falfurrins SI 99
By TELLER CARTEL SI 108 (2003). Champion Colt, $1,212,471, All American Fut. [G1]. Sire of 439 ROM, 27 stakes winners, $11,819,571, including LLANO TELLER SI 105 (11 wins, $1,770,007, All American Derby [G1]), TELLER BAJA SI 97 (6 wins, $464,317, OK-Bred Fut. [RG2]), LLANO CARTEL SI 113 ($438,484 [G1]), CARTEL QUICK SI 94 ($317,100 [G1]). Sire of the dams of WRS VALENTINO SI 109 ($525,527), TELLER IMA EAGLE SI 102 ($190,438 [G3]), CHAINMAN SI 88 ($188,217 [G2]), FABULOUS RACHEL SI 103 ($160,480 [G1]), CARLITA JESS SI 99 ($106,919 [RG3]).
1st dam
Cold Stone Sissy SI 97, by Brookstone Bay. Winner at 3, $6,030. Dam of 5 foals of racing age, 5 to race, 4 winners–
Sissys Moon SI 85 (f. by Moonin The Eagle). Winner to 3, $17,808.
Chase The Rainstorm SI 102 (g. by Furyofthewind). 3 wins to 6, $14,558, finalist in Sam Houston Juvenile Challenge [G3].
Cold Stone Secret SI 94 (g. by Hez Our Secret). Winner to 3, $12,180.
2nd dam
Salado Sis SI 90, by Man In The Money. 2 wins at 3, $6,386. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, 6 ROM–
SALADOS MAN SI 104 (g. by Country Chicks Man). 5 wins to 5, $47,143, Tower of the Americas S.
Giga Man SI 87 (g. by Ivory James). Winner to 5, $11,725.
Ranga Danga Do SI 93 (g. by Hawkinson). 2 wins to 4, $7,684.
Salados Promise SI 91 (g. by Ihavepromises Tokeep). 2 wins to 3, $6,442.
Epic Ivory SI 91 (f. by Ivory James). Winner to 3, $3,165.
3rd dam
Falfurrins SI 99, by Moon Lark. 2 wins at 3, $5,355. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 ROM–
Terra Berra SI 98 (Special Red Warrior). Winner to 3, $12,210, finalist in Retama Park Derby [G2]. Dam of–
Zabina SI 84. Winner at 2, 2023, $13,243.
4th dam
NICE CHOICE TB, by Friend's Choice. 3 wins to 7, High Velocity S.-NTR, 2.5f in 0:26.20. Dam of 12 foals to race, 6 winners–
MY QUEEN OF BEAUTY SI 106 (Rocket Wrangler). 8 wins to 5, $78,449, Hiawatha S.-NTR, Boardwalk Sale Futurity [R], 2nd Inaugural H., 3rd Pocahontas H., finalist in West Texas Derby [G2], Sunland Park Fall Derby [G3], Dashing Lady H. [G3]. Dam of–
Queens Money Man SI 96. 2 wins to 4, $19,086, finalist in TQHA Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G2].
Hooked On Beauty SI 86. Winner to 3, $5,286. 
High On Meeks SI 93 (On A High). 6 wins to 5, $12,319.
Hawkins Rifle TB (Hawkin's Special). 2 wins to 4, $5,113.
Hawkins Choice TB (Hawkin's Special). Winner to 3, $3,720. Dam of–
Bucks Trophy TB. Winner to 4, $4,925.
Hyper King TB (Hyperborean). Winner to 5.

RACE RECORD: At 2, unraced; at 3, one win, twice 2nd. EARNED $4,670.
AQHA Challenge.
QData 3/2025