Hip No.
Consigned by Dunn Ranch, Agent
Hip No.
Zoomin For Trix SI 104
2019 Sorrel Mare
Takin On The Cash SI 109
Shazoom SI 102
Keep On Shining SI 103
Zoomin For Bux SI 117
Jody O Toole SI 106
Oh No Its Uh Oh
Bux To The Bank SI 102
Zoomin For Trix SI 104
Mr Jess Perry SI 113
One Sweet Jess SI 103
One Sweet Dash SI 94
Doing Trix SI 96
Corona Cocktail SI 94
A Perfect Cocktail SI 93
A Perfect Strawberry SI 96
By ZOOMIN FOR BUX SI 117 (2004). 5 wins, $259,739, Retama Park Fut. [G1]-NTR. Sire of 189 ROM, 19 stakes winners, $7,580,571, including ZOOMIN FOR SPUDS SI 107 (Champion, $880,923, Champion of Champions S. [G1]), ZOOMIN EFFORTLESSLY SI 112 (16 wins, $875,675, Champ. at Sunland [G1]), JODY POPS ZOOMER SI 104 (7 wins, $298,056, Texas Classic Derby [G1]), HEAD PATRON SI 99 (7 wins, $240,102, Eastex S. [G2]), ZOOMIN AFTER SIX SI 105 (8 wins, $227,456, Maple Leaf Derby), SSTRICKORTREAT SI 107 (6 wins, $183,794).
1st dam
Doing Trix SI 96, by One Sweet Jess. 3 wins at 3, $24,897, 3rd Indigo Illusion H., finalist in Los Alamitos Distaff Challenge [G2]. Dam of 1 foal of racing age–
ZOOMIN FOR TRIX SI 104 (f. by Zoomin For Bux). Stakes winner, below.
2nd dam
A Perfect Cocktail SI 93, by Corona Cocktail. Winner at 3. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners, 8 ROM–
ZOOMIN FOR SPUDS SI 107 (g. by Zoomin For Bux). Champion 3-Year-Old Gelding, AQHA Supreme Race Horse. 17 wins to 8, $880,923, Champion of Champions S. [G1], Vessels M. [G1], Brad McKinzie Winter Champ. S. [G1], Wild West Futurity, Moonist H., Wrangler S., Blane Schvaneveldt H., Costa Mesa H., Fullerton H., Z Wayne Griffin Director's Inv. twice, Catchmeinyourdreams S., Z. Wayne Griffin Directors S., 2nd Brad McKinzie Winter Champ. S. [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1], Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. S. [G1], 3rd Champion of Champions S. [G1], Go Man Go H. [G1], Kaweah Bar H. [G3], Z Wayne Griffin Directors Inv. twice, Bitterroot Derby [R], finalist in Champion of Champions S. [G1] 3 times.
APOLLITICAL PATTY SI 99 (f. by Apollitical Blood). 8 wins in 14 starts to 3, $1,243,263, Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Oaks [G3], 2nd Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Juvenile Challenge S., 3rd Mildred N Vessels Mem. H. [G1], finalist in Golden State Million Futurity [G1].
BUX FOR COCKTAIL SI 111 (f. by Zoomin For Bux). 7 wins in 10 starts to 3, $50,258, Intermountain Futurity, Les Bois Derby Challenge-NTR, 3rd Turf Paradise Juv. Chlg.
JESSES PERFECT ONE SI 103 (g. by Mr Jesse Lee). 4 wins in 7 starts at 2, $28,462, Knight Transp. Futurity, Dutch Masters III Futurity, 3rd Golden State Juvenile Inv.
Doing Trix SI 96 (f. by One Sweet Jess). 3 wins to 3, $24,897, 3rd Indigo Illusion H., finalist in Los Alamitos Distaff Challenge [G2]. Dam of–
ZOOMIN FOR TRIX SI 104 (f. by Zoomin For Bux). 6 wins to 4, 2023, $45,106, Roche Equine Veterinary Services Futurity, 2nd The Plan H., 3rd Bitterroot Fut. [R] [G3].
Hoodalum SI 90 (g. by Hez Our Secret). 3 wins to 4, $22,713.
3rd dam
A PERFECT STRAWBERRY SI 96, by Chicks Beduino. 5 wins to 3, $37,524, Auld Lang Syne H., finalist in Charger Bar H. [G1]. Set NTR 300y. Sister to Scooter New Moon SI 99. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, 4 ROM–
MR FINAL STRAW SI 107 (Mr Fancy Fame). 7 wins to 7, $34,107, Idaho Cup Futurity [R], 2nd Idaho Cup Derby [R].
MR PERFECT FAME SI 97 (Mr Fancy Fame). 2 wins to 3, Dutch Masters III Futurity.
William Clyde SI 97 (Mr Fancy Fame). Placed, 3rd Dutch Masters III Futurity. Sire.

RACE RECORD: At 2, four wins (ROCHE EQUINE FUT.), once 2nd (The Plan H.), twice 3rd (Bitterroot Fut. [R][G3]), finalist in Los Alamitos Wild West Fut. [G3] in 8 starts; at 3, twice 2nd; at 4, 2023, two wins, twice 2nd. Totals: 6 wins, 5 times 2nd, twice 3rd. EARNED $45,106.
In training.
QData 3/2025