Hip No.
Consigned by Bielau Oaks, Agent
Hip No.
El Gran Ferrari SI 91
2020 Bay Colt
First Down Dash SI 105
Holland Ease SI 109
Easy Henryetta SI 90
Corona Cartel SI 97
Chicks Beduino SI 104
Corona Chick SI 113
Sizzling Lil SI 91
El Gran Ferrari SI 91
Streakin La Jolla SI 99
Mr Jess Perry SI 113
Scoopie Fein SI 99
Ferarri Fast Prize SI 92
Heza Fast Man SI 111
Fast First Prize SI 102
First Prize Dash SI 101
By CORONA CARTEL SI 97 (1994). 6 wins, $557,142, Los Alamitos Million Fut. [G1]. Sire of 1,519 ROM, 194 stakes winners, $69,483,515, 10 champions, including BLUES GIRL TOO SI 105 (World Champion, $2,032,328 [G1]), TELLER CARTEL SI 108 (Champion, $1,212,471, All American Fut. [G1]), FIVE BAR CARTEL SI 91 (Champion, $1,068,825 [G1]), KVN CORONA SI 95 (Champion, $868,077 [G1]), Flying Fig SI 101 (Champion, $806,920), UNCLE D SI 96 (Champion, $689,165 [G1]), CARTERS CARTEL SI 103.
1st dam
Ferarri Fast Prize SI 92, by Mr Jess Perry. Placed in 2 starts at 3, $4,624. Sister to Fast Prize Doll SI 102. Dam of 36 foals of racing age, 32 to race, 23 winners, 25 ROM–
FERRARI JAMES SI 107 (g. by Ivory James). 14 wins to 8, $350,679, Keokuk S. [G3] 3 times, Two Rivers S. [G3], Altoona Derby, Iowa Double Gold Derby [R], 2nd Keokuk S. [G3], Two Rivers S. [G3] twice, Boyd Morris Mem. S. [R], 3rd Oklahoma Bred Derby [R] [G3], Two Rivers S. [G3], Boyd Morris Mem. S. [R], finalist [R] [G1].
THE PRIZE FERARRI SI 111 (g. by The Louisiana Cartel). 17 wins to 5, 2023, $158,971, Pocatello Juvenile Challenge, Pocatello Derby Challenge, Iron Horse Maturity, White Pine S., White Pine S.-NTR, 400y in 0:19.718, Bitterroot Derby [R], 2nd Bitterroot Futurity [R] [G3], Crush The Curve Futurity, Jack Rhoden Bonus Challenge, etc.
FERARRI B SI 92 (f. by Freighttrain B). $62,532: winner at 2, $53,257, in U.S., 2nd Laico Bird S. [R] [G3], finalist in Oklahoma Futurity [G2], Speedhorse Futurity [G3]; winner in 2 starts at 3, ($9,275 USA), in Mexico, Easily a Possum Derby.
V Power SI 91 (g. by Valiant Hero). 3 wins to 3, $279,419, 2nd Oklahoma Bred Futurity [R] [G2], Jack Brooks S. [R], 3rd Golden Driller S., finalist Heritage Place Futurity [G1].
Ferarri GT SI 97 (g. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 4 wins to 3, $167,659, 2nd Dash For Cash Futurity [G1], 3rd Champ. at Sunland [G1], finalist in Texas Classic Fut. [G1].
Power Prize SI 96 (g. by Valiant Hero). 4 wins in 8 starts to 3, $49,492, 3rd Gillespie County Fair Futurity, finalist in EVD Futurity [G3].
Ferarri Tyme SI 102 (g. by Freighttrain B). 4 wins to 5, 2023, $95,335, finalist [G2].
Chicks Fast Prize SI 95 (g. by Chicks Regard). 6 wins to 6, $74,095.
CR Tamarisk SI 91 (f. by Valiant Hero). Placed to 3, $9,215. Dam of–
LRH La Woman SI 96 (f. by Apollitical Blood). 3 wins to 3, $39,810, 3rd De Saix S.
2nd dam
FAST FIRST PRIZE SI 102, by Heza Fast Man. 3 wins at 2, $244,929, Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. Sister to HEZA FAST DASH SI 103. Out of First Prize Dash SI 101 (AQHA Dam of Distinction, Broodmare of the Year). Dam of 24 foals to race, 16 winners, 24 ROM–
FAST PRIZE ZOOM SI 112 (f. by Shazoom). 3 wins to 3, $192,875, West Texas Fut. [G1]-NWR. Dam of JESS PRIZE ME SI 87 ($132,653 [G2]), TARISH SI 101 ($120,774 [G3]).
Fast Prize Doll SI 102 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins to 3, $85,762, 3rd Harrah's Ent. Futurity [G2]. Dam of FAST PRIZE JORDAN SI 109 ($203,724 [R] [G1]), DOUBLE DOWN SI 95 ($73,738 [R] [G2]), FAST PRIZE ROBYN SI 94; granddam of TAKE A SWIG OF THIS SI 103 (to 3, 2023, $394,833 [G1]), JORDAN EAGLE SI 107 ($260,858 [R] [G2]).
Ms Fast First Prize SI 93. 2 wins to 4, $77,738, 2nd West Texas Derby [G3], finalist [G1].
Fast Prize Tracy SI 101 (f. by Shazoom). 2 wins to 3, $40,960, 3rd Joe B. Turner Mem. S. Dam of APOLLTICAL CHAD SI 97 ($930,730 [G1]), SHE EAT FIRE SI 93 ($156,597).
Fast Prize Corona SI 101 (f. by Corona Cartel). Winner. Dam of CR TUCKERNUCK SI 98 ($215,649 [G1]), SPIT LIKE JAGGER SI 96 ($105,045 [G2]), FAST PRIZE TACITA SI 89 ($65,916); granddam of DARK NME SI 110 ($1,559,452 [G1]).
RACE RECORD: At 2, two wins, once 3rd, finalist in Rainbow Fut. [G1]; at 3, 2023, unplaced. EARNED $44,378.
Accredited Oklahoma Bred; in training.
QData Custom Catalogs 11/2023