By HIGHEST FIRE SI 93 (2011). 4 wins, $325,637, 2nd Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], fnl in Los Alamitos Two Million Fut. [G1], Golden State Million Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to FLY BABY FLY SI 96. Sire of 56 ROM, $1,362,551, including Wokatee On Fire SI 93 ($258,136, 2nd Heritage Place Fut. [G1]), This Ladys On Fire SI 104 ($44,229, 3rd Horseshoe Juv. S.), FK Highest Flyer SI 94 (5 wins, $61,011), Firefighter Captian SI 99 (4 wins, $60,774), TDZ Slinkys Fire SI 97 (3 wins, $51,664, fnl LQHBA Sale Fut. [RG1]).
1st dam
My Shining Rose SI 102, by First To Shine. 3 wins to 3, $41,800, 2nd Evangeline Derby. Dam of 3 other foals of racing age, 2 to race, including–
Arose SI 89 (f. by Jess Louisiana Blue). 3 wins to 5, $32,693.
2nd dam
Streakin Magic Rose SI 94, by Streakin La Jolla. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $28,775, 3rd LQHBA Lassie Futurity [R] [G3], finalist in Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile [R] [G2]. Sister to STREAKIN LERAY SI 93. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners, 9 ROM–
My Shining Rose SI 102 (f. by First To Shine). Stakes placed winner, above.
Classy Shyanne SI 101 (f. by Toast To Dash). 4 wins to 5, $63,005, finalist in Mothers Day S. [R] [G3]. Dam of–
RCV Sheza Classydash SI 102. 3 wins to 3, $55,726, 2nd Billy Montgomery S. [R].
Roses Are High SI 92 (f. by Jazzing Hi). 5 wins to 7, $79,210, finalist in Louisiana Downs Champions Derby [R] [G2].
My King Jewel SI 95 (g. by First Down Jewel). 6 wins to 6, $75,111.
Troublesbackintown SI 94 (g. by Toast To Dash). 2 wins to 7, $45,260.
Swinging Panther SI 97 (f. by Panther Mountain). 2 wins to 4, $42,724. Dam of–
Five Bar Panther SI 98. Winner to 3, 2023, $51,080, finalist Louisiana Million Fut. [R] [G1].
3rd dam
The Magic Rose, by Rocket's Magic. Placed at 2. Dam of 13 foals to race, 10 ROM–
STREAKIN LERAY SI 93 (Streakin La Jolla). 5 wins to 3, $70,778, Delta Louisiana Breeders' Derby [R], 2nd LQHBA Lassie Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd LQHBA Futurity [R] [G1], LQHBA Sale Futurity [R] [G3], Mardi Gras Futurity [R] [G3], finalist in Louisiana Champions Day Derby [R] [G2], Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile [R] [G2].
Streakin Magic Rose SI 94 (Streakin La Jolla). Stakes placed winner, above.
Streakin Leon SI 95 (Streakin La Jolla). 10 wins to 11, $71,141, finalist in Mardi Gras Derby [R] [G3].
LR Streakin SI 99 (Streakin La Jolla). 5 wins to 9, $35,147, finalist in Louisiana Champions Day Derby [R] [G2]. Set NTR 300y.
Magic T Ray SI 97 (Streakin La Jolla). 3 wins to 4, $28,386, finalist in LQHBA Laddie Futurity [R] [G3].
Yippie Skippie SI 81 (Streakin La Jolla). Placed to 3, $6,510, finalist in Mardi Gras Futurity [R] [G2]. Dam of–
HEZA SKIPIN FAST SI 99. 4 wins to 6, $208,389, Mardi Gras Futurity [R] [G2], 2nd LQHBA Laddie Futurity [R] [G2], 3rd Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile [R] [G2], finalist in Lee Berwick Futurity [R] [G1].
Skip Dash N Run SI 98. 5 wins to 5, $83,998, finalist in Lee Berwick Futurity [R] [G1].
Skippie Fast Dash SI 89. Winner to 3, $19,959. Dam of–
Jets Fast Dash SI 104. 5 wins to 5, $67,095.
RACE RECORD: At 2, one win. EARNED $9,260.
PRODUCE RECORD: 2023 c. by San Lorenzo. Deceased.
Louisiana Breeders Program. Was not bred for a 2024 foal.
QData 3/2025
Check back soon for the complete pedigree!