Hip No.
Consigned by Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent for Simmons Racing
Hip No.
Big Mama
January 4, 2023 Bay Mare
Mr Jess Perry SI 113
One Famous Eagle SI 101
One Famous Lady SI 104
Gold Heart Eagle V SI 104
Strawfly Special SI 97
Ladys Heart Of Gold
Strength Of Heart SI 104
Big Mama
Heza Fast Man SI 111
Heza Fast Dash SI 103
First Prize Dash SI 101
La Mos Chingono SI 107
Gold Regent TB
Rita Regent
Running Blood SI 95
By GOLD HEART EAGLE V SI 104 (2017). 2 wins, $530,883, All American Derby [G1], 3rd Rainbow Derby [G1]. Brother to EAGLE ON THE FLY SI 103, DAHTESTE SI 104, ONE FABULOUS EAGLE SI 97. His first foals are 2-year-olds. Sire of GOLD GUN Z SI 91 (2 wins, $151,966, Delta La-Bred Laddie Fut. [RG2]), Golden Answerr SI 91 ($35,113, 3rd Delta La-Bred Lassie Fut. [RG2]), Ruse Gold SI 86 (winner, $11,800, 3rd Lassie S.), Firey Eagle SI 91 (2 wins, $20,193), Flyinbayou SI 92 (winner, $16,500), Gran Corazon SI 86 (winner, $13,800).
1st dam
LA MOS CHINGONO SI 107, by Heza Fast Dash. 10 wins to 6, $355,360, Billy Montgomery EVD S., Div 2 [R] [G3], Who Dat Derby [R], Audubon S. [R] twice, Flashy Hemp S. [R], Party Girl S. [R] twice, 2nd Louisiana Champions Day Classic [R] [G2], Louisiana Champions Day Classic S. [R] [G2], Flashy Hemp S. [R] [G3], Mothers Day S. [R] [G3], 3rd Billy Montgomery EVD S. [R] [G3], The Treme Derby [R], Audubon S. [R]. Sister to B AND G FAST DASH SI 107. Dam of 13 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 11 to race, 9 winners–
LA MOS CORONA SI 103 (f. by Coronas Leaving You). 8 wins to 4, $181,177, Open Me a Corona S. [R] [G2], Flashy Hemp S., R-NTR, 330y in 0:16.614, Billy Montgomery S. [R], Party Girl S. [R], 2nd Audubon S. [R], Lakeview Dash S. [R]. 
LA MOS PYC SI 102 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 8 wins to 4, $69,665, Gopher State Derby [R], 3rd AQRA-Turf Paradise [R].
La Mos Dinero SI 98 (g. by Game Patriot). 4 wins to 4, $53,695.
La Mos Azul SI 93 (f. by Jess Louisiana Blue). 2 wins to 4, $35,655.
La Mos Game SI 91 (c. by Game Patriot). 3 wins to 3, $30,128.
Cartel In The Bayou SI 97 (c. by Five Bar Cartel). 2 wins in 3 starts at 2, $26,847.
Gran Corazon SI 86 (g. by Gold Heart Eagle V). Winner in 1 start at 2, 2024, $13,800.
2nd dam
Rita Regent, by Gold Regent TB. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 13 foals to race, 9 ROM–
B AND G FAST DASH SI 107 (g. by Heza Fast Dash), Champion Distance Horse, 9 wins to 9, $228,610, Faubourg St. John S., Faubourg St. John S.-NTR, 870y, Live Oak S. [R] twice. Races And Aces S. [R], 2nd Races and Aces S. [R], etc.
LA MOS CHINGONO SI 107 (f. by Heza Fast Dash). Stakes winner, above.
POLLITICAL BLOOD SI 97 (g. by Apollitical Blood). 3 wins to 3, $31,576, Turf Paradise Juvenile Challenge, 2nd Granite Mountain Fut, finalist AQHA Juv. Chlg. Champ. [G2].
Track Shaker SI 88 (f. by Game Patriot). Winner to 5, $17,615. Dam of–
JESS SWEET TIME SI 95. 3 wins to 3, $76,632, LQHBA Sale Juvenile S. [R], 2nd Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile S. [R] [G2], 3rd Louisiana Juvenile S. [R], etc.
Acadiana Game SI 98 (Game Patriot). 4 wins to 3, $67,624, fnl LQHBA Sale Fut. [R] [G1].
Pop A Top Special PI SI 99 (Oak Tree Special). Winner to 4, $62,578, fnl [R] [G2]. Dam of–
JRs Majestic Pop Pop SI 93. 3 wins to 3, 2024, $61,035, finalist [R] [G2].
Fast Dash Group SI 96 (g. by Heza Fast Dash). 2 wins to 4, $45,079, finalist [R] [G1].
3rd dam
Running Blood SI 95, by Victory Stride TB. 2 wins at 2. Half sister to VIM AND VIGOR SI 103 ($310,204). Out of DOUBLE QUEEN SI 95 (AQHA Dam of Distinction, $45,064, Rainbow Futurity). Dam of 10 foals to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM–
STREAKIN VICTORY SI 110 (Streakin Six). 26 wins to 12, $180,394, AQHA Distance Challenge Champ. [G1], James Smith Mem. H. [G3], Tijeras H., etc.
CASH THIS RUNNER SI 110 (Dash For Cash). 8 wins to 5, $43,022, Trinity Meadows Champ.-NTR, 440y in 0:21.400, 3rd QH of Texas Breeders' Sale Derby [R], finalist in Go Together H. [G3] twice. Dam of PANTHER MOUNTAIN SI 105 ($459,921 [G1]), ALLURIST SI 101 ($34,744), Shakem Cash SI 97 ($29,118); granddam of SHAKEM BLUE SI 107 ($152,870), Specially Alluring SI 102 ($146,656 [G1]).
ENGAGEMENTS: LQHBA Louisiana Million Fut.; eligible for LQHBA Sale Fut.
Accredited Louisiana Bred; embryo transfer.
QData 3/2025