By FIRST PRIZE DOC SI 108 (2009). 5 wins, $73,700, Gentilly Dash S., 3rd Evangeline Dash S. Half-brother to FIRST CAROLINA SI 106, FIRST PRIZE ROBIN SI 103, FIRST PRIZE LEESA SI 106, FAST FIRST PRIZE SI 102, HEZA FAST DASH SI 103. Sire of 73 starters, 43 ROM, $1,026,726, including PRIVATE FIRST PRIZE SI 98 ($31,613, LQHBA Sale Inv. S. [R]), Little Toy Guns SI 96 (4 wins, $61,714, 2nd Harrah's Dash S.), First Prize Cruise SI 102 (6 wins, $45,976, 2nd Evergreen Distaff Chlg.), Dolls Regal Doc SI 92 (3 wins, $52,498).
1st dam
Sydneys Special Oak SI 80, by Oak Tree Special. Placed at 4, $3,480. Dam of 2 foals of racing age, 1 to race–
Magnolia Prize SI 96 (f. by First Prize Doc). 2 wins to 3, 2024, $15,070.
2nd dam
Caseys Alex SI 88, by Toast To Dash. Winner at 3, $23,060. Dam of 1 foal to race, above.
3rd dam
Miss Rich La Jolla SI 86, by Streakin La Jolla. 2 wins to 3, $8,883. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, 4 ROM–
DASH TO STA RICH SI 93 (Dashing Val). 2 wins to 3, $38,462, LQHBA Sale Futurity Inv. S. [R], finalist in Mardi Gras Futurity [R] [G2], Mardi Gras Derby [R] [G3].
Toast To Hailey SI 91 (Toast To Dash). 4 wins to 6, $46,495. Dam of–
Sta Rich Runaway SI 105. 3 wins to 3, $62,745, 2nd LQHBA Louisiana Million Inv. S. [R].
Send A Patriot SI 98. 3 wins to 3, $28,740.
Sta Rich Rene (Achievement). Winner to 4, $7,416.
4th dam
Lil Miss Bar Pass SI 81, by Bar Pass Meyers. Winner at 3. Dam of 6 foals to race, 3 winners, 2 ROM–
Mitey Davin SI 91 (Mitey Jody). Winner to 4, $8,980.
Lightning Falena (Lightning Casanova). Winner to 5, $4,768.
ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, LQHBA Louisiana Million Fut.; eligible for LQHBA Sale Fut.
Accredited Louisiana Bred.
QData 3/2025
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