Hip No.
Consigned by S & E Sales Prepping, LLC, Agent for Raymond Loup
Hip No.
RL Miss Sis
February 7, 2023 Brown Mare
Corona Cartel SI 97
PYC Paint Your Wagon SI 107
Dashin Follies
Freighttrain B SI 115
Mr Eye Opener SI 106
Dianetogetcha SI 108
Dianetomeetcha SI 103
RL Miss Sis
Streakin La Jolla SI 99
Mr Jess Perry SI 113
Scoopie Fein SI 99
Winnie Jones SI 85
PYC Paint Your Wagon SI 107
PYC First Prize Dash SI 93
First Prize Dash SI 101
By FREIGHTTRAIN B SI 115 (2008). 9 wins, $421,761, Black Gold Fut. Champ. [RG3]. Sire of 493 ROM, 35 stakes winners, $20,271,491, including WHISTLE STOP CAFE SI 101 (World Champion, $2,222,840 [G1]), BV MIDNITE EXPRESS SI 98 ($769,319 [G1]), EYESA FREIGHTTRAIN B SI 92 ($605,449 [RG2]), SHEZA FREIGHTTRAIN T SI 107 ($578,760 [RG2]), MOONIE BLUES SI 97 ($534,579 [G3]), SPECIAL WILD TRAIN B SI 93 ($530,358 [RG1]), BYE BYEFREIGHTTRAIN SI 107 ($350,045 [RG3]), HH GAILFORCE SI 106 ($314,121 [RG2]).
1st dam
Winnie Jones SI 85, by Mr Jess Perry. Winner at 2, $10,893. Sister to Buckie Jones SI 104. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
PYC First Prize Dash SI 93, by PYC Paint Your Wagon. Winner at 3, $18,601, finalist in Altoona Derby [G3]. Sister to FIRST PRIZE DOC SI 108. Dam of 20 foals to race, 15 winners, 18 ROM–
Buckie Jones SI 104 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins to 8, $85,210, 2nd Mr Jess Perry S.
Jess A PYC Dash SI 98 (c. by Apollitical Jess). 3 wins to 3, $80,095, 2nd Retama Derby.
Eagles First SI 93 (f. by One Famous Eagle). Winner at 2, $15,030, 3rd Rainbow Juv.
First Prize Dash 2 SI 94 (f. by Apollitical Jess). 2 wins to 3, $41,102, finalist in Oklahoma Bred Futurity [R] [G1].
3rd dam
First Prize Dash SI 101, by Dash For Cash. AQHA Dam of Distinction, Broodmare of the Year, 5 wins to 3, $77,465, finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [R] [G1], All American Derby [G1]. Sister to FIRST DOWN DASH SI 105. Dam of 35 foals to race, 28 winners, 30 ROM–
FIRST PRIZE LEESA SI 106 (Mr Jess Perry). 7 wins in 11 starts to 3, $488,270, Remington Fut. [G1], etc. Dam of FIRST PRIZE SHAUNDA SI 104 ($144,982 [G3]).
FIRST CAROLINA SI 106 (Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins in 8 starts to 3, $415,047, Heritage Place Futurity [G1], etc. Dam of MS FIRST PRIZE ROSE SI 100 ($550,105 [G1]), CORONADO CARTEL SI 98 ($416,178), DENVER PASS SI 96 ($120,994), Itea SI 101 ($64,711 [G2]); granddam of AINT SHE TEMPTING SI 97 ($727,427 [G2]), AINT HE TEMPTING SI 92 ($262,419 [G2]), Hamlyn SI 94 ($121,789 [R] [G1]), Pepper Ryan SI 88 ($114,861 [G2]), Kieva SI 94 ($82,082).
FIRST PRIZE ROBIN SI 103 (Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins in 6 starts at 2, $295,147, Remington Fut. [G1]. Dam of SS CALENDAR GIRL SI 97 ($88,915 [G3]); granddam of EC REVENGE SI 93 ($200,164 [G2]), APOLINARIA PRIZE SI 99 ($149,296 [G2]).
FAST FIRST PRIZE SI 102 (Heza Fast Man). 3 wins to 3, $244,929, Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. Dam of FAST PRIZE ZOOM SI 112 ($192,875 [G1]), Fast Prize Doll SI 102 ($85,762 [G2]), Ms Fast First Prize SI 93 ($77,738 [G3]), Fast Prize Country SI 101 ($50,414), Fast Prize Tracy SI 101 ($40,960); granddam of APOLLTICAL CHAD SI 97 ($930,730 [G1]), FERRARI JAMES SI 107 ($350,679 [G3]), DASHIN FOR A PRIZE SI 110 ($275,770 [G3]), CR TUCKERNUCK SI 98 ($215,649 [G1]), FAST PRIZE JORDAN SI 109 ($203,724), A FAMOUS RIBBON SI 120 ($173,202 [G2]), THE PRIZE FERARRI SI 111 ($160,183), SHE EAT FIRE SI 93 ($156,597), V Power SI 91 ($279,419 [R] [G2]), My Fast Prize SI 102 ($264,137 [G1]).
HEZA FAST DASH SI 103 (Heza Fast Man). 3 wins to 4, $136,123, Blue Ribbon Futurity [G2], 2nd Remington Futurity [G1]. Sire.
FIRST PRIZE DOC SI 108 (PYC Paint Your Wagon). 5 wins to 4, $73,700, Gentilly Dash S., 3rd Evangeline Downs Dash S. Sire.
First Prize Perry SI 102 (Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $243,946, 2nd Texas Classic Futurity [G1]. Sire.
ENGAGEMENTS: LQHBA Louisiana Million Fut.; eligible for LQHBA Sale Fut.
Accredited Louisiana Bred.
QData 3/2025