By HEZA FAST ROGUE SI 101 (2011). 8 wins, $323,950, Mardi Gras Derby [R], Billy Montgomery LAD S. [R], Amelia Belle S. [R], 2nd Louisiana Classic S. [RG2], John Alleman S. [RG3], Opelousas S. [R], 3rd LQHBA Sale Fut. [RG1]. Brother to JESS A ROGUE SI 102. Half-brother to ROGUES LAST GAME SI 94. Sire of 64 ROM, $2,318,604, including JLA INDY ROGUE SI 96 ($251,820, EVD Fut. [G3]), PK PURE ROGUE SI 97 ($126,245, Open Me A Corona S. [RG2]), ALL ABOUT ROGUE SI 95 ($62,820), Rogues Fast Sister SI 95 ($97,749, 2nd Live Oak S. [R]).
1st dam
EC Prairie Mist SI 89, by Corona Cartel. Winner at 3, $4,130. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners–
Fast Praire Mist SI 91 (f. by Heza Fast Dash). Winner to 4, $21,723.
Jess Push Your Luck SI 83 (f. by Jess Louisiana Blue). Winner at 2, 2023, $19,110.
2nd dam
Ferarri Fast Prize SI 92, by Mr Jess Perry. Placed in 2 starts at 3, $4,624. Sister to Fast Prize Doll SI 102. Dam of 32 foals to race, 23 winners, 25 ROM–
FERRARI JAMES SI 107 (g. by Ivory James). 14 wins to 8, $350,679, Keokuk S. [G3] 3 times, Two Rivers S. [G3], Altoona Derby, Iowa Double Gold Derby [R], 2nd Keokuk S. [G3], Two Rivers S. [G3] twice, Boyd Morris Mem. S. [R], 3rd Oklahoma Bred Derby [R] [G3], Two Rivers S. [G3], Boyd Morris Mem. S. [R], finalist [R] [G1].
THE PRIZE FERARRI SI 111 (g. by The Louisiana Cartel). 17 wins to 6, 2024, $160,183, Pocatello Juvenile Challenge, Pocatello Derby Challenge, Iron Horse Maturity, White Pine S., White Pine S.-NTR, Bitterroot Derby [R], 2nd Bitterroot Futurity [R] [G3], etc.
FERARRI B SI 92 (f. by Freighttrain B). $62,532: 2 wins to 3, $62,532, Easily A Possum S., 2nd Laico Bird S. [R] [G3], finalist in Oklahoma Futurity [G2].
V Power SI 91 (g. by Valiant Hero). 3 wins to 3, $279,419, 2nd Oklahoma Bred Futurity [R] [G2], Jack Brooks S. [R], 3rd Golden Driller S., finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1], Oklahoma Bred Derby [R] [G3].
Ferarri GT SI 97 (g. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 4 wins to 3, $167,659, 2nd Dash For Cash Futurity [G1], 3rd Champ. at Sunland [G1], finalist Texas Classic Futurity [G1].
Power Prize SI 96 (g. by Valiant Hero). 4 wins in 8 starts to 3, $49,492, 3rd Gillespie County Fair Futurity, finalist in EVD Futurity [G3].
PYC Ferarri Prize SI 84 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). Winner to 3, $4,330. Dam of–
JM Johnny B Good SI 94. 2 wins to 3, 2024, $42,521, 2nd New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G3], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1].
Ferarri Tyme SI 102 (g. by Freighttrain B). 4 wins to 5, 2023, $95,335, finalist[G2].
Chicks Fast Prize SI 95 (g. by Chicks Regard). 6 wins to 6, $74,095.
El Gran Ferrari SI 91 (Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $44,378, finalist in Rainbow Fut. [G1].
CR Tamarisk SI 91 (f. by Valiant Hero). Placed to 3, $9,215. Dam of–
LRH La Woman SI 96. 3 wins to 3, $39,810, 3rd De Saix S.
3rd dam
FAST FIRST PRIZE SI 102, by Heza Fast Man. 3 wins at 2, $244,929, Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. Sister to HEZA FAST DASH SI 103. Dam of 24 foals to race, 24 ROM–
FAST PRIZE ZOOM SI 112 (Shazoom). 3 wins to 3, $192,875, West Texas Futurity [G1]-NWR, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Dam of JESS PRIZE ME SI 87 ($132,653 [G2]), TARISH SI 101 ($120,774), NUNOTHAT SI 93 ($67,272).
Fast Prize Doll SI 102 (Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins to 3, $85,762, 3rd Harrah's Ent. Futurity [G2].Dam of FAST PRIZE JORDAN SI 109 ($203,724); granddam of TAKE A SWIG OF THIS SI 103 ($439,466 [G1]), JORDAN EAGLE SI 107 ($260,858 [R] [G2]).
Fast Prize Tracy SI 101 (Shazoom). 2 wins to 3, $40,960, 3rd Joe Turner S. Dam of APOLLTICAL CHAD SI 97 ($930,730 [G1]), SHE EAT FIRE SI 93 ($156,597).
ENGAGEMENTS: LQHBA Louisiana Million Fut.; eligible for LQHBA Sale Fut.
Accredited Louisiana Bred.
QData 3/2025
Check back soon for the complete pedigree!