Hip No.
Consigned by J/B Racing
Hip No.
Lorenzos Legacy
March 19, 2023 Sorrel Stallion
Corona Cartel SI 97
Coronas Leaving You SI 103
Lil Bit Rusty SI 103
San Lorenzo SI 105
Mr Eye Opener SI 106
In The Open
Ocean Memories
Lorenzos Legacy
Heza Fast Man SI 111
Heza Fast Dash SI 103
First Prize Dash SI 101
Wheres Mom SI 95
Mr Jess Perry SI 113
Jess Ready Too Wear SI 94
Royal Ready Too Wear SI 98
By SAN LORENZO SI 105 (2018). 5 wins, $1,010,662, Lee Berwick Fut. [RG1], Louisiana Million Fut. [RG1]. Brother to OPEN ME A CORONA SI 105 (Champion), SAN LORENZO CORONA SI 108, CANT CATCHACORONA SI 102. His first foals are yearlings of 2024. Son of stakes winner CORONAS LEAVING YOU SI 103; sire of 28 stakes winners, including OPEN ME A CORONA SI 105 (Champion, $929,150, LQHBA Breeders Fut. [RG1]), EYE WORK FOR YOU SI 97 ($555,566, OK-Bred Fut. [RG1]), SCOOPIES LEAVING YOU SI 109 ($329,383 [RG3]).
1st dam
Wheres Mom SI 95, by Heza Fast Dash. 3 wins to 3, $51,156. Dam of 2 foals of racing age, 1 to race–
Moms Corona SI 91 (g. by Coronas Leaving You). Winner to 3, $7,180.
2nd dam
Jess Ready Too Wear SI 94, by Mr Jess Perry. 3 wins to 3, $9,994, finalist in West/Southwest Derby Challenge [G3]. Sister to Tycoon Jess SI 94. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 ROM–
Miss Royal Snow SI 94 (f. by This Snow Is Royal). 3 wins to 4, 2023, $59,227, 3rd Horseshoe Indianapolis Classic S.
AP Miss Lunas Tide SI 88 (f. by Rip Tide). 2 wins to 3, 2024, $35,714.
3rd dam
Royal Ready Too Wear SI 98, by Royal Quick Dash. 2 wins to 3, $48,992, finalist in West Texas Futurity [G1], Casino Cash Derby [G2]. Dam of 12 foals to race, 7 winners, 8 ROM–
Tycoon Jess SI 94 (Mr Jess Perry). 4 wins to 8, $55,861, 2nd Rainbow Juv, 3rd EVD Derby.
Royal Diamond Cartel SI 85 (Corona Cartel). Winner to 4, $48,819, 2nd Northlands Fut. 
Readi To Be Famous SI 94 (One Famous Eagle). 3 wins to 5, $36,392, 3rd Minnesota Stallion Breeders/North Central Derby [R]. Sire.
Jess Press SI 92 (Mr Jess Perry). Winner to 3, $20,180, finalist [G3]. Dam of–
Wash And Press SI 106. 4 wins to 10, $63,823, 3rd OQHRA Fall Classic S.
Royal Stiletto (Corona Cartel). Unraced. Dam of–
Backside Bobby SI 95. 4 wins in 8 starts to 3, 2024, $70,858, 2nd Jack Brooks S. [R] [G3], 3rd Mr. Master Bug S. [R], finalist in Mystery Futurity [R] [G2].
Taberah SI 86. 2 wins to 3, $21,572. Dam of–
Apollitical War SI 89. 2 wins to 3, 2023, $30,212, 3rd Will Rogers Juvenile Challenge.
Katherinessecrethope SI 99. 3 wins to 5, $53,461, finalist in Speedhorse Futurity [G3].
4th dam
WASH AND WEAR SI 108, by Bold Ego TB. 6 wins to 3, $78,534, Oklahoma Futurity - Fall Div [G3], Rocket Bar Futurity [G3], Oklahoma Derby - Fall Div-NTR, 440y in 0:21.290, 2nd Raton Derby [G3], Jayhawker Derby [G3], Special Effort S. Half sister to SPIT CURL LARK SI 100, To Fit To Be Tied SI 90. Dam of 22 foals to race, 18 winners, 21 ROM–
DRIP DRY DASH SI 107 (Dash For Cash). 13 wins to 7, $147,133, Governor's Cup Marathon [G3], Lone Star Park Distance Champ. [G3], Texas Distance Challenge twice, Oklahoma Distance Challenge twice, 2nd Distance Challenge Champ. [G1].
Fantastic Jessie SI 96 (Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 4, $49,517, 2nd Cypress Sophomore H., finalist in Golden State Million Fut. [G1] Dam of FANTASTIC DASHER SI 95 ($34,294).
Jonathan Perry SI 105 (Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins to 4, $33,650, 2nd Marathon S., etc. Sire.
The Perfect Diamond SI 104. 4 wins, $30,510, 3rd Speedhorse Gold Cup Fut. [R] [G2].
Special Wrinkle SI 104 (Special Effort). 4 wins, $30,108, 2nd Manor H., IV, finalist [G2].
Fisher Washer SI 105 (Fishers Dash). 3 wins to 3, $25,010, 3rd Mini Rock Overnight H.
Class Act Perry SI 96 (Mr Jess Perry). 6 wins to 7, $24,185, 3rd Clasico Inaugural [G3].
Funny Face Nemo SI 100 (Finding Nemo). 2 wins to 3, $10,279, 3rd Evergreen Juvenile Challenge, finalist in Canada Cup Futurity [G3].
Stoli Wear SI 91 (Stoli). 2 wins to 3, $18,582. Dam of What Ta Wear SI 106 ($100,201).
ENGAGEMENTS: LQHBA Louisiana Million Fut.; eligible for LQHBA Sale Fut.
Accredited Louisiana Bred.
QData 3/2025