Hip No.
Consigned by J/B Racing
Hip No.
Ought To Go Rogue
March 20, 2023 Bay Stallion
Heza Fast Man SI 111
Heza Fast Dash SI 103
First Prize Dash SI 101
Heza Fast Rogue SI 101
Mr Jess Perry SI 113
Miss Jess Rogue SI 98
Easily A Rogue SI 109
Ought To Go Rogue
First Down Dash SI 105
Dash To Chivato SI 96
Fishers Favorite SI 98
Ms Dashin Chivato SI 97
Dashing Encounter SI 96
Scoopie Dash SI 91
Scoopie Fein SI 99
By HEZA FAST ROGUE SI 101 (2011). 8 wins, $323,950, Mardi Gras Derby [R], Billy Montgomery LAD S. [R], Amelia Belle S. [R], 2nd Louisiana Classic S. [RG2], John Alleman S. [RG3], Opelousas S. [R], 3rd LQHBA Sale Fut. [RG1]. Brother to JESS A ROGUE SI 102. Half-brother to ROGUES LAST GAME SI 94. Sire of 64 ROM, $2,318,604, including JLA INDY ROGUE SI 96 ($251,820, EVD Fut. [G3]), PK PURE ROGUE SI 97 ($126,245, Open Me A Corona S. [RG2]), ALL ABOUT ROGUE SI 95 ($62,820), Rogues Fast Sister SI 95 ($97,749, 2nd Live Oak S. [R]).
1st dam
Ms Dashin Chivato SI 97, by Dash To Chivato. 2 wins to 3, $16,591. Dam of 14 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 9 to race, 3 winners, 5 ROM–
Ojos De Angel SI 91 (g. by Taylors Toastin Papa). 2 wins to 7, $46,762.
Dashin With Chrome SI 97 (g. by Jumpn). 4 wins to 5, $43,050.
Ms Dashin Patriot SI 94 (f. by Game Patriot). 4 wins to 4, $31,614.
2nd dam
Scoopie Dash SI 91, by Dashing Encounter. 5 wins at 2, $65,746, 2nd Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile [R] [G2], Louisiana Champions Day Derby [R] [G2], Delta Louisiana Breeders' Futurity [R] [G3], Mardi Gras Derby [R] [G3], Louisiana Bred Juvenile [R], finalist in LQHBA Futurity [R] [G1]. Dam of 13 foals to race, 11 winners, 11 ROM–
Ms Scoopies Toast SI 95 (f. by Toast To Dash). 3 wins to 5, $71,639, 3rd Party Girl S. [R]. Dam of–
SCOOPIES LEAVING YOU SI 109. 17 wins to 7, $329,383, Mr Jess Perry Louisiana Downs S. [R] [G3], Gentilly Dash S., Sam's Town S., Evangeline Downs Dash S., Harrah's Dash S.-NTR, Swift S., Harrah's Dash S., Louisiana Juvenile S. [R], Flying Breed S. [R], Delta Dash S. [R], 2nd Mr. Jess Perry Louisiana Downs S. [R] [G3], Ned Goutierrez Mem. S., Jess Meche Mem. S., Harrah's Dash S., 3rd John Alleman Mem. S. [R] [G3], Develop a Plan S. [G3], Gentilly Dash S., etc. Set NTR.
Annas Streakin Dash SI 91 (f. by Streakin La Jolla). Winner to 3, $15,354. Dam of–
DASHIN BROWN STREAK SI 107. AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 11 wins to 6, $544,748, Remington Champ. S. [G1], Leo S. [G1], Sam's Town S.-NTR, 2nd Leo S. [G1], Heritage Place Derby [G2], Evangeline Downs Futurity, 3rd Champion of Champions [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1], Miss Polly Classic S. [G3].
Lil Bro Big Streak SI 99. 4 wins to 5, $122,115, 2nd Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile S. [R] [G2], Gentilly Dash S. [R], Billy Montgomery LAD S. [R], 3rd Mr. Jess Perry S. [R] [G3], Lakeview Dash S. [R], Par A Dice S. [R].
Big Streakin SI 95. 3 wins to 4, $82,633, 2nd Billy Montgomery Lad S. [R], finalist in Lee Berwick Futurity [R] [G1].
Patriotic Pursuit SI 90 (f. by Game Patriot). Winner to 4, $43,686, finalist [R] [G2].
3rd dam
Scoopie Fein SI 99, by Sinn Fein. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $15,807. Sister to Colleen Of Sinn SI 97, half-sister to Much A Man SI 95. Dam of 9 foals to race, 6 winners–
MR JESS PERRY SI 113 (Streakin La Jolla). Champion 2-Year-Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Colt, AQHA Supreme Race Horse. 12 wins to 4, $687,184, Texas Classic Futurity [G1]-NTR, Texas Classic Derby [G1], LQHBA Futurity [R] [G1]-NTR, Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile [R] [G2], LQHBA Laddie Futurity [R] [G3], etc. Sire.
Scoopie Dash SI 91 (Dashing Encounter). Stakes placed winner, above.
Scoopie Cash SI 101 (Lil Easy Cash). 3 wins to 3, $45,647, 2nd LQHBA Juvenile-Fillies Division [R], 3rd Mardi Gras Derby [R] [G3], finalist in LQHBA Futurity [R] [G1].Dam of TOAST TO MY MOM SI 94 ($143,437 [R] [G2]).
Sinn N Saint SI 98 (Mr. Crimson Ruler TB). 2 wins to 4, $10,656, 2nd 870 Champ.
Crimson Scoop SI 98 (Mr. Crimson Ruler TB). 3 wins to 3, 2nd Valentine Futurity. 
ENGAGEMENTS: LQHBA Louisiana Million Fut.; eligible for LQHBA Sale Fut.
Accredited Louisiana Bred.
QData 3/2025