Hip No.
Consigned by Live Oak Farms, Inc.
Hip No.
March 26, 2023 Gray Colt
Corona Cartel SI 97
Coronas Leaving You SI 103
Lil Bit Rusty SI 103
San Lorenzo SI 105
Mr Eye Opener SI 106
In The Open
Ocean Memories
Special Task SI 107
Oak Tree Special SI 107
Easy Lady Oak SI 90
Wanna Treet Me SI 105
Disco Jerry TB
Wanna Be Me SI 95
Be A Lady Bee SI 87
By SAN LORENZO SI 105 (2018). 5 wins, $1,010,662, Lee Berwick Fut. [RG1], Louisiana Million Fut. [RG1]. Brother to OPEN ME A CORONA SI 105 (Champion), SAN LORENZO CORONA SI 108, CANT CATCHACORONA SI 102. His first foals are yearlings of 2024. Son of stakes winner CORONAS LEAVING YOU SI 103; sire of 28 stakes winners, including OPEN ME A CORONA SI 105 (Champion, $929,150, LQHBA Breeders Fut. [RG1]), EYE WORK FOR YOU SI 97 ($555,566, OK-Bred Fut. [RG1]), SCOOPIES LEAVING YOU SI 109 ($329,383 [RG3]).
1st dam
Wanna Treet Me SI 105, by Oak Tree Special. Winner at 2, $34,117, finalist in Oklahoma Bred Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of 6 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 5 to race, 2 ROM–
Wanna Sweet Treet SI 86 (g. by One Sweet Jess). Placed at 2, 2024, $8,609, finalist in Delta Louisiana-Bred Laddie Futurity [R] [G2].
Power Oak SI 89 (f. by Power Jam TB). Winner to 3, 2023, $6,230.
2nd dam
Wanna Be Me SI 95, by Disco Jerry TB. 2 wins at 3, $16,587, 2nd Miss Blackhawk S. Dam of 18 foals to race, 13 winners, 16 ROM–
PYC KANT KATCH ME SI 96 (c. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 5 wins in 9 starts at 2, $191,245, Remington Juvenile S. [R], 3rd Texas Classic Futurity [G1], qualified to Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. Sire.
CR Sugar N Spice SI 102 (f. by Fly Jess Fly). 2 wins to 3, $97,874, 3rd Remington Futurity [G1]. Dam of–
EC GREYS ANATOMY SI 97. 4 wins to 3, $39,991, Picov Derby.
Spicey Hero SI 93. 3 wins to 4, $82,179, finalist in Oklahoma Bred Futurity [R] [G2].
Snafoo SI 88. Winner to 4, 2023, $38,648.
Jess Wanna Fly SI 94 (f. by Fly Jess Fly). 2 wins to 3, $57,505, 3rd Sparkling Tip S., finalist in Oklahoma Futurity [G3]
Fly Like Me SI 97 (g. by Fly Jess Fly). Winner to 4, $40,944, 2nd Black Gold 350 Futurity [R], finalist in Black Gold Futurity Champ. [R] [G3].
Wanna Be Curled SI 87 (f. by Spit Curl Jess). Winner to 3, ($5,136 USA), in Mexico, 3rd Campeonato Nacional Dia Del Charro.
Wanna Be Special SI 95 (f. by Oak Tree Special). 2 wins to 4, $24,682. Dam of–
CARTELS SPECIAL GIRL SI 108. 5 wins to 3, $41,505, Ft Pierre SD Bred Futurity [R].
Wanna Fly Me SI 109 (f. by Fly Jess Fly). 3 wins to 3, $36,948, finalist in Black Gold Futurity Champ. [R] [G3]. Set NTR 300y.
Wanna Be Fast SI 80 (f. by Heza Fast Man). Placed at 2. Dam of–
Wanna Fly Jessie SI 95. Winner at 2, $45,258, 2nd Easy Jet S. [R] [G3], 3rd Oklahoma Futurity [G2].
3rd dam
Be A Lady Bee SI 87, by Mr Master Bug. Winner at 3, $15,874, 3rd Black Gold 350 Futurity [R]. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners–
Wanna Be Me SI 95 (Disco Jerry TB). Stakes placed winner, above.
4th dam
Lady Bee Loose SI 97, by Rio Pegado TB. Winner at 2, $16,934, finalist in Kansas Derby [G1], Sunland Park Fall Futurity [G2]. Half sister to SUNDAY CRUISER SI 101, BE A MONEY MAN SI 96. Dam of 12 foals to race, 10 winners, 9 ROM–
PERKAWAY SI 103 (Dash For Perks). 6 wins to 3, $28,493, Prescott Derby, finalist [G3].
Be A Lady Bee SI 87 (Mr Master Bug). Stakes placed winner, above.
Discos Loose SI 104 (Disco Jerry TB). 3 wins to 4, $13,407, 3rd Mile High Derby [G3].
Rare I Am SI 102 (Rare Form). 8 wins to 9, $132,763.
State Chairman SI 96. 3 wins to 5, $53,235, finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1].
ENGAGEMENTS: LQHBA Louisiana Million Fut.; eligible for LQHBA Sale Fut.
Accredited Louisiana Bred.
QData 3/2025