By SAN LORENZO SI 105 (2018). 5 wins, $1,010,662, Lee Berwick Fut. [RG1], Louisiana Million Fut. [RG1]. Brother to OPEN ME A CORONA SI 105 (Champion), SAN LORENZO CORONA SI 108, CANT CATCHACORONA SI 102. His first foals are yearlings of 2024. Son of stakes winner CORONAS LEAVING YOU SI 103; sire of 28 stakes winners, including OPEN ME A CORONA SI 105 (Champion, $929,150, LQHBA Breeders Fut. [RG1]), EYE WORK FOR YOU SI 97 ($555,566, OK-Bred Fut. [RG1]), SCOOPIES LEAVING YOU SI 109 ($329,383 [RG3]).
1st dam
ROSOUTI SI 104, by Agouti. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $120,393, Delta Dash S., 2nd Evangeline Downs Dash S., Harrah's Dash S., 3rd Jess Meche Mem. S., Mojo's S. [R]. Dam of 7 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 6 to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM–
San Lorenzo Rose SI 93 (f. by Open Me A Corona). Winner to 3, 2024, $17,600.
Rose Jess SI 89 (f. by One Sweet Jess). Winner to 5, 2024, $16,317.
San Lorenzo Patrona SI 86 (f. by American Hussle). Winner at 2, 2024, $8,910.
2nd dam
Rose For Windy, by Heza Fast Dash. Unraced. Sister to OL TIME PREACHER MAN SI 98, GUNNA BE ALRIGHT SI 107, Illusions Dream SI 102. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners–
ROSOUTI SI 104 (f. by Agouti). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
JJ STREAKIN ILLUSION SI 105, by Streakin La Jolla. 3 wins at 3, $50,910, LQHBA Sophomore - Fillies [R], 2nd Louisiana Champions Day Derby [R] [G2], finalist in East Distaff Challenge [G3]. Dam of 10 foals to race, 9 winners, 9 ROM–
OL TIME PREACHER MAN SI 98 (Heza Fast Dash). 4 wins to 3, $565,933, LQHBA Futurity [R] [G1], The Treme Derby [R], 2nd LQHBA Sale Futurity [R] [G1], 3rd Vinton S. [R] [G3], finalist in Delta Louisiana Bred Derby [R] [G3].
GUNNA BE ALRIGHT SI 107 (Heza Fast Dash). 4 wins to 4, $89,772, Mr. Jess Perry S. [R] [G3], 2nd Develop A Plan S. [G3], Lakeview Dash S. [R], 3rd Open Me A Corona S. [R] [G2], finalist in Opelousas S. [R] [G2].
LISTEN TO THE WIND SI 106 (Game Patriot). 4 wins to 8, $85,944, LQHBA Inv. S. [R], LQHBA Sale Futurity Inv. S. [R], finalist in Louisiana Champions Day Juv. [R] [G2].
SMOAK SI 99 (Oak Tree Special). 2 wins to 3, $28,750, LQHBA Sale Inv. S. [R].
Illusions Dream SI 102 (Heza Fast Dash). 4 wins to 6, $78,131, 3rd The Big Easy S. [R], finalist in Mardi Gras Futurity [R] [G2], Louisiana Bred Laddie Futurity [R] [G2].
Im Game Lets Play SI 96 (Game Patriot). 2 wins, $47,635, 3rd Party Girl S. [R]. Dam of–
PEYTONS LAST DASH SI 115. 6 wins to 4, $71,370, Harrah's Dash S., Lakeview Dash S. [R]-NTR, 250y in 0:12.985.
JESS CALL ME ANGEL SI 89. 3 wins to 3, ($28,890 USA), in Mexico, Clasico Asociacion Mexicana de Criadores Y Caballistas [R], 2nd Derby Las Americas.
Toastally Tops SI 104 (Toast To Dash). 4 wins to 6, $97,001, qual LQHBA Sale Fut. [R] [G1].
Spectacular Streak SI 95 (First To Shine). 4 wins to 7, $71,015, finalist [R] [G1].
4th dam
Windy Illusion SI 93, by Windy Ryon. 2 wins to 4, $5,897. Half sister to Sky Fire SI 97 ($152,796, 3rd All American Futurity [G1]), Tiny Illusion SI 93 ($124,848 [G1]; granddam of ICANONLYEMAGINE SI 103, $221,321; STREAKIN ILLUSIVELY SI 103, $163,057 [R] [G3]). Dam of 7 foals to race, 7 winners–
JJ STREAKIN ILLUSION SI 105 (Streakin La Jolla). Stakes winner, above.
Fortunate Wind SI 93 (Six Fortunes). 2 wins to 3, $42,779, 2nd LQHBA Futurity [R] [G1], finalist [R] [G2].Dam of Six Toasts SI 99 ($146,776 [R] [G2]), Louisiana Blue Step SI 105 ($76,891); granddam of JETHRO ALMITEY SI 107 ($159,059).
Jo B Royal SI 91. Winner to 3, $11,298. Dam of Jo B Rebel SI 106 ($53,703 [R] [G3]).
ENGAGEMENTS: LQHBA Louisiana Million Fut.; eligible for LQHBA Sale Fut.
Accredited Louisiana Bred.
QData 3/2025
Check back soon for the complete pedigree!