By HEZADASHINBYE SI 96 (2012). 3 wins, $150,855, Firecracker Fut. [G2]. His first foals are 3-year-olds. Sire of 6 starters, including Sheza Bye Bye SI 103 (3 wins, $47,931), A Real Dashin Tornda SI 81 (winner, $9,200). Son of champion TEMPTING DASH SI 112; sire of 39 stakes winners, including KISS MY HOCKS SI 109 (Champion, $1,199,385 [G1]), AINT SHE TEMPTING SI 97 ($727,427 [G2]), HOTSEMPTING SI 99 ($682,793, Ruidoso Derby [G1]), LOVETHEWAYYOULIE SI 96 ($456,472 [G1]), GETTHERE FAST SI 106 ($441,919 [G2]).
1st dam
A Real Tornado SI 104, by Streakin La Jolla. 3 wins to 3, $44,720, finalist in Delta Louisiana Breeders' Derby [R] [G3], Mardi Gras Derby [R] [G3]. Sister to STREAKIN LATOCHA SI 95, A Real Winnin Streak SI 101, Streak And Dash SI 104. Dam of 16 foals of racing age, 15 to race, 10 winners, 11 ROM–
Apollitical Tornado SI 93 (g. by Apollitical Blood). 4 wins to 4, 2023, $122,694, 2nd Laddie Futurity [R], 3rd LQHBA Breeders Derby [R] [G3], finalist in LQHBA Sale Futurity [R] [G1].
Turn The Eagle Lose SI 95 (g. by One Dashing Eagle). 2 wins to 4, 2024, $103,051, 2nd Mr. Jess Perry S. [R] [G3], finalist in LQHBA Louisiana Million Futurity [R] [G1].
A Genuine Tornado SI 94 (g. by Swingin Jess). 3 wins to 3, $31,206, finalist in Louisiana Bred Laddie Futurity [R] [G2].
Real Panthermountain SI 92 (f. by Panther Mountain). 3 wins to 4, $30,585.
2nd dam
Real Dash, by Dash For Cash. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals to race, 10 winners, 10 ROM–
STREAKIN LATOCHA SI 95 (f. by Streakin La Jolla). 3 wins in 5 starts at 2, $44,676, East Juvenile Challenge [G3], 3rd Mardi Gras Futurity [R] [G2].
NEW STREAKER SI 98 (f. by Streakin Six). 7 wins to 4, $35,219, Real Wind H., 2nd Raton Futurity [G3], Animas Derby, finalist in Southwest Derby [G3], Sunland Park Fall Derby [G3], Buttons and Bows S. [G3]. Dam of–
DRH Straightstreaker SI 93. 4 wins to 4, $31,880.
A Real Winnin Streak SI 101 (g. by Streakin La Jolla). 7 wins to 8, $58,937, 3rd Harrisburg H., finalist in LQHBA Futurity [R] [G1].
Streak And Dash SI 104 (c. by Streakin La Jolla). 3 wins to 3, $43,232, 2nd LQHBA Sale Futurity [R] [G2]. Sire.
Genuine Blitz SI 114 (c. by Streakin Six). 4 wins to 4, 3rd Cenicienta Classic S.
3rd dam
Real New SI 95, by Golly. 5 wins at 5 and 6, $3,519, 2nd Lubbock Downs Fall Maturity. Dam of 11 foals to race, 8 winners, 10 ROM–
REAL WIND SI 103 (Go With The Wind), Champion 2-Year-Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, AQHA Supreme Race Horse. 13 wins in 21 starts to 3, $528,162, All American Futurity, Rainbow Futurity, West Texas Derby, 3rd New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R]. Dam of–
REAL JET WIND SI 98. 5 wins to 4, $118,218, New Mexico State Fair Futurity [R], 3rd Kansas Derby. Sire.
Brown Wind SI 99 (Go With The Wind). 4 wins to 3, $52,030, 3rd NM Breeders' Derby.
New Bar SI 94 (Coffee Bar King). 6 wins to 4, $10,393, 2nd NM Breeders' Derby. Sire.
A New High SI 95 (On A High). 3 wins to 5, $5,267, 3rd Autumn Leaves H.
Im New SI 93 (I May Go). 6 wins to 3, $13,929. Dam of Im New Cash SI 101; granddam of Red Toronada SI 83 ($28,253).
Real Stinger (I May Go). Placed to 3. Dam of BOW THE LINE SI 101 ($37,311), MISS ANISE JET SI 91 [G3].
Stacy Day SI 80 (Go With The Wind). Placed to 3. Dam of STACY TREAT SI 104.
ENGAGEMENTS: LQHBA Louisiana Million Fut.; eligible for LQHBA Sale Fut.
Accredited Louisiana Bred.
QData 3/2025
Check back soon for the complete pedigree!