By STEVIE B FIRST CASH SI 92 (2013). 6 wins, $238,312, First Down Dash Derby, Town Policy S., 3rd Rainbow Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Champ. [G1]. Half-brother to CORONAS FIRST DIVA SI 95 (Champion), SC MONEY MAKER SI 103, SC TIME TO RUN SI 94, CRUISE BY DIVA SI 104, SC VAPOR TRAIL SI 95. Sire of 10 starters, 6 ROM, including VALIANT STEVIE B SI 95 (2 wins, $25,132, Century Mile Horsemen's Derby), B Zoomin SI 97 (2 wins, $30,498, fnl Two Rivers S. [G3]), Stevin Got Even SI 93 (2 wins, $27,782), TK B Zoomin SI 83 (winner, $16,646).
1st dam
Toast To Nana SI 93, by Toast To Dash. 4 wins to 4, $41,950. Sister to TOAST TO STREAKIN SI 106. Dam of 3 foals of racing age, 2 to race–
TF Runaway Toast (f. by Sir Runaway Dash). Placed to 3, $5,523.
2nd dam
Streakin Nana SI 101, by Streakin La Jolla. 3 wins at 3, $18,063, 3rd Bradford S., finalist in Louisiana Champions Day Derby [R] [G2], All American Congress Derby [G3]. Dam of 14 foals to race, 10 winners, 11 ROM–
TOAST TO STREAKIN SI 106 (g. by Toast To Dash). 7 wins to 8, $265,535, Louisiana Derby [R] [G3], 2nd Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile S. [R] [G2], Mid-City S. [R] [G3], 3rd LQHBA Futurity [R] [G1], Delta Louisiana Bred Derby [R] [G2], Louisiana Champions Day Derby [R] [G2], Louisiana Classic [R] [G2], Mid City S. [R], Don Cravins S. [R], finalist in Louisiana Champions Day Classic [R] [G2], Louisiana Classic [R] [G2], Val's Fortune S. [R] [G2], Vals Fortune S. [R] [G2], Vinton S. [R] [G3], John Alleman Mem. S. [R] [G3].
Bigtime To Streak SI 92 (f. by Bigtime Favorite). Winner at 2, $18,896. Dam of–
AG Navigating Streak SI 99. 4 wins to 3, ($45,007 USA), in Mexico, 2nd Derby Criadores Mexicanos [R], finalist in Futurity Subasta Selecta [R] [G3].
AG Bigtime Jess SI 94. Winner to 3, 2024, ($5,854 USA), in Mexico.
Mighty Streakin SI 104 (f. by Mighty Corona). 6 wins to 6, $79,268.
Nanas Leaving You SI 98 (f. by Coronas Leaving You). 5 wins to 5, $73,992.
Nanas Jewel SI 97 (f. by First Down Jewel). 4 wins to 4, $35,699.
Streakin Train B SI 86 (g. by Freighttrain B). Winner at 2, $18,825.
Leave You Streakin SI 101 (g. by Coronas Leaving You). Winner to 7, $15,879.
Dash Bye Streakin SI 84 (g. by Dashin Bye). Winner to 5, $11,440.
Streakin Jet Black SI 85 (c. by Jet Black Patriot). Winner to 3, $10,261.
3rd dam
Ms Nantallah SI 96, by On The Money Red. 3 wins to 3, $24,333, 2nd Delta Derby Classic, 3rd Pompano Playland Futurity. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners, 3 ROM–
Streakin Nana SI 101 (Streakin La Jolla). Stakes placed winner, above.
Nannas Train SI 99 (Power Train). 3 wins to 3, $11,141, 3rd Cajun Kindergarten Futurity [G3].
4th dam
Valid Miss Crede TB, by Valid Appeal. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race, 4 winners, 4 ROM–
Ms Nantallah SI 96 (On The Money Red). Stakes placed winner, above.
Valid Miss Red SI 91 (On The Money Red). 3 wins to 4, $9,153.
Sunny Appeal SI 86 (On The Money Red). Winner at 2.
Lady Portell SI 91 (On The Money Red). 2 wins to 4.
ENGAGEMENTS: LQHBA Louisiana Million Fut.; eligible for LQHBA Sale Fut.
Accredited Louisiana Bred.
QData 3/2025
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