Hip No.
Consigned by Tate Farms, LLC, Agent for Ugo De La Torre
Hip No.
Untouchable Eagle
February 20, 2023 Sorrel Colt
Mr Jess Perry SI 113
One Famous Eagle SI 101
One Famous Lady SI 104
One Dashing Eagle SI 98
First Down Dash SI 105
One Sweet Dash SI 94
Sweet Beduino SI 101
Untouchable Eagle
First Down Dash SI 105
Willie Wanta Dash SI 112
Liquid Charge SI 85
Willie Swings SI 102
Rocket Wrangler SI 97
All The Memories SI 95
Easy Jet's Sage SI 89
By ONE DASHING EAGLE SI 98 (2010). World Champion, 6 wins, $2,079,065, All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to ONE SWEET JESS SI 103, HES A STANDOUT SI 101. Sire of 255 ROM, 21 stakes winners, $8,649,308, including EAGLE JAZZ SI 95 (Champion, $903,649, Ruidoso Fut. [G1]), CERS FINAL TRY SI 107 (Champion, $709,537, Rainbow Derby [G1]), EAGLE COAST SI 111 ($744,700, Rainbow Derby [G1]), BREAKING NEW GROUND SI 109 ($284,782), JK WILDCAT RED SI 105 ($261,284 [RG2]), HAWKEYE SI 105 ($194,690 [G2]).
1st dam
Willie Swings SI 102, by Willie Wanta Dash. 3 wins to 4, $71,604, 2nd Charger Bar H. [G1], finalist in Los Alamitos Champ. [G1], Mildred N Vessels H. [G1], Las Damas H. [G2]. Dam of 16 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 12 to race, 4 winners, 5 ROM–
Fire Up Willie SI 96 (f. by Walk Thru Fire). 3 wins to 4, $92,128, finalist in Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1], Golden State Million Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]. Dam of–
FIRE UP EAGLE SI 96 (g. by One Dashing Eagle). 2 wins to 4, $54,895, Corona Cartel S., finalist in Higheasterjet S. [G2].
Willie Be Fired SI 84 (g. by Walk Thru Fire). Winner to 3, $19,412, finalist in West Texas Futurity [G2].
Millennium Eagle SI 102 (f. by One Dashing Eagle). Winner to 3, finalist in Clasico Campeon de Campeones [G3].
2nd dam
All The Memories SI 95, by Rocket Wrangler. 3 wins to 3, $25,129, 3rd Mile High Futurity [G3], Valley S., Set NTR 330y in 0:17.100. Sister to WRANGLER SAM SI 103. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners, 4 ROM–
Willie Swings SI 102 (f. by Willie Wanta Dash). Stakes placed winner, above.
Snowy Memory SI 91 (f. by This Snow Is Royal). 3 wins to 3, $16,520. Dam of–
SNOWY CORONITAS SI 107. 9 wins to 7, $83,276, Jack Clifford S. twice, Altamont Dash S., Jack Robinson H., PCQHRA H., 2nd Cheryl White Mem. S.
SNOWY GADDAFY SI 106. 2 wins to 4, $20,967, Jack Clifford S.
Memories Of Snow (f. by This Snow Is Royal). Unraced. Dam of–
MEMORIES OF OKEY SI 98. 5 wins to 3, $139,268, Retama Park Futurity [G1], 2nd Longhorn Futurity [G1]. Sire.
3rd dam
Easy Jet's Sage SI 89, by Easy Jet. 5 wins to 5, $14,393. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners–
WRANGLER SAM SI 103 (Rocket Wrangler). 12 wins to 4, $154,198, Prescott Downs Derby, 3rd Bay Meadows Futurity [G1], El Primero Del Ano Derby [G1], Los Ninos H. [G3], Cypress H. [G3], finalist in Golden State Futurity [G1], Budweiser Derby [G1], Laddie H. [G2], Vandy's Flash H. [G3]. Sire.
All The Memories SI 95 (Rocket Wrangler). Stakes placed winner, above.
Elegant Lassie SI 94 (Ichibon). 2 wins to 3, 2nd Ring of Roses Derby, finalist [G3]
4th dam
Little Mabe TB, by Beau Max. 9 wins at 3 and 4, $28,895. Dam of 7 foals to race, 3 winners–
Phantom Gazelle TB (Old Pueblo). Winner to 3. Dam of DONNA DODAD SI 94 ($83,602), Spy Glass SI 96; granddam of Right Cute ($35,072), Speed Spook SI 85.
Miss Easy Jet 2 SI 82 (Easy Jet). Placed in 2 starts at 3. Dam of BIG BRUISER SI 92.
Lady Beau Away TB. Dam of BEAU FASA ($397,181 [G3]), OBGYN ($346,826); granddam of UNFINISHED SYMPH ($651,145 [G2]), DON VON ($164,680).
Little Sage TB (Fathers Image). Unraced. Dam of LA COCHITA, SAGES PIE MAN SI 98, granddam of SAGES BELLE STAR SI 103 ($250,056), BARRY BANDITO SI 102 ($36,284), Hooked On Cash SI 96 ($162,138 [G1]).
ENGAGEMENTS: LQHBA Louisiana Million Fut.; eligible for LQHBA Sale Fut.
Accredited Louisiana Bred.
QData 3/2025