Hip No.
Consigned by Royal Dream Ranch
Hip No.
Bolt Of Time
January 19, 2023 Sorrel Mare
First Down Dash SI 105
Walk Thru Fire SI 92
Sweet Beduino SI 101
Bolt Of Fire SI 82
Genuine Strawfly SI 107
Jenuine Joy SI 104
Super Perla Negra SI 101
Bolt Of Time
Mr Jess Perry SI 113
Apollitical Jess SI 107
Apollitical Time SI 104
Time For Jess SI 97
Corona Cartel SI 97
Coronation Time SI 95
Sheeza Lil Val SI 97
By BOLT OF FIRE SI 82 (2015). 2 wins, $6,660. Brother to WALK OFF SI 97. Half-brother to IMPERIAL EAGLE SI 106 (Champion), PJ SPLASH OF JOY SI 93. His first foals are 2-year-olds. Sire of Fire Time SI 81 (winner, $11,880), TRS Lumbre (winner, $7,060). Son of winner Walk Thru Fire SI 92; sire of 91 stakes winners, 10 champions, including HEZA DASHA FIRE SI 105 (World Champion, $2,240,112 [G1]), HE LOOKS HOT SI 103 (World Champion, $1,618,055 [G1]), HIGHER FIRE SI 103 (Champion, $1,314,742 [G1]), LAST TO FIRE SI 105.
1st dam
TIME FOR JESS SI 97, by Apollitical Jess. 7 wins to 4, $389,829, Mildred N Vessels Mem. H. [G1], Los Alamitos Distaff Challenge [G2], Los Alamitos Derby Challenge, 2nd Southern California Derby [G2], Miss Princess H. [G3] twice, 3rd Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], finalist in Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1], Champion of Champions S. [G1], Vessels Maturity [G1], Charger Bar H. [G1] twice. Sister to AJs On Time SI 108. Dam of 6 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 4 to race, 4 winners–
MISS BETH DUTTON SI 96 (f. by Kiss My Hocks). 5 wins to 3, $314,877, Rainbow Oaks [G1], Rainbow Juvenile S., 2nd All American Oaks [G1].
Wired 440 SI 101 (g. by Tempting Dash). Winner to 3, 2024, $401,545, 2nd Ruidoso Futurity [G1], La Fiesta Futurity [G3], finalist in Rainbow Fut. [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G1].
Jess Dynasty Time SI 93 (g. by FDD Dynasty). Winner to 3, 2024, $18,683, 3rd Los Alamitos Juvenile Challenge S.
Dashing Diamond SI 98 (f. by Tempting Dash). 3 wins to 4, 2024, $49,461, finalist in Rainbow Oaks [G1].
2nd dam
Coronation Time SI 95, by Corona Cartel. 3 wins at 3, $26,766, finalist in OkHA Futurity [R] [G3]. Sister to VALIANTLY SI 106. Dam of 14 foals to race, 11 winners–
TIME FOR JESS SI 97 (f. by Apollitical Jess). Stakes winner, above.
AJs On Time SI 108 (g. by Apollitical Jess). 2 wins to 3, $76,555, 2nd La Fiesta Futurity.
Toms Big Time Girl SI 90 (f. by Bigtime Favorite). 2 wins to 4, $44,813, 2nd Polk County Derby [R], 3rd Future of Iowa S. [R].
Morgan Gale SI 99 (f. by FDD Dynasty). 3 wins to 3, $8,502, 3rd Double Down Derby [R].
PHQ Princes Stef (AQHA)/PHQ Princess Stefanie (APHA) SI 90 (f. by Country Quick Dash), APHA Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, 2 wins, $42,399, finalist [G1]. Dam of–
PHQ APOLLITICAL JESS (APHA) SI 93. APHA Champion 3-Year-Old Colt, 3 wins to 3, $54,329, Lone Star Paint & App Futurity, 3rd Cowboy & Western Heritage S. [G1].
PFR Corona N Lime (APHA) SI 86. $17,085, 3rd Speedhorse Paint & App Juv. S. [G1].
3rd dam
Sheeza Lil Val SI 97, by Dashing Val. 2 wins at 2, $19,413, 2nd The Classics Derby [R], 3rd The Classics Futurity [R] [G3], Miss Betty S. Dam of 10 foals to race, 9 winners, 10 ROM–
VALUE THE MAN SI 110 (Heza Fast Man). 7 wins to 10, $732,399, Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], Pomona Champ., 2nd Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. [G1], etc.
EMPEROR VALERIAN SI 108 (Heza Fast Dash). 11 wins to 8, $278,029, Remington Distance H. [G3], Paul's Valley H. [G3], Will Rogers Distance Challenge twice, Moonstone S., Orange Blossom S., Brigand Overnight S., Brigand S., etc.
VALIANTLY SI 106 (Corona Cartel). 6 wins to 4, $196,604, PCQHRA Breeders Futurity [G1], Mission Beach H., 3rd PCQHRA Breeders Derby [G2].
Valdarama (AQHA/APHA) SI 106. 3 wins, $83,342 [G1]. Dam of Fade Shot (APHA Broodmare of the Year), Mildred Didrickson SI 99 (APHA Champion Solid Aged Mare); granddam of POWER FADE (APHA) SI 92 (APHA Champion Solid 2-Year-Old Filly).
Fleeting Touch SI 96 (Tres Seis). Winner to 3, $15,245, finalist[G3]. Dam of NELLIE DELANEY SI 96 ($211,305 [G1]), JACKY MARTIN 21 SI 103 ($123,795 [G3]).
ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow, & Ruidoso Fut.
Embryo transfer.
QData 2/2025