By VALIANT HERO SI 105 (2004). 7 wins, $668,633, Texas Classic Fut. [G1]. Sire of 611 ROM, 62 stakes winners, $30,400,070, including FEATURE HERO SI 99 (Champion, $1,418,960 [G1]), IMA FEARLESS HERO SI 92 (Champion, $1,062,435 [G1]), SASS ME BLUE SI 94 (Champion, $296,378 [G1]), HOUDINI SI 105 ($1,223,198 [G1]), FIRST VALIANT SIGN SI 99 ($1,053,844 [G1]), SAM CROW SI 103 ($1,012,935 [RG2]), VALIANT TIBERIAS SI 107 ($852,832 [G1]), VALIANT ROGUE SI 106 ($814,850 [G1]), RUSTYS MIRACLE SI 103 ($762,565 [G1]), SHOTT GUN SI 107.
1st dam
Curl Girl SI 101, by Spit Curl Jess. 2 wins at 3, $22,050. Dam of 11 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 9 to race, all ROM, 8 winners–
Will B Valiant SI 94 (g. by Mighty B Valiant). 2 wins to 4, $39,059, finalist in Ruidoso Downs Juvenile Challenge [G3].
Hadley Girl SI 83 (f. by Lota PYC). 2 wins to 3, $28,483.
Lota Hadley SI 96 (g. by Lota PYC). Winner to 4, $26,962.
Quannah SI 87 (g. by KVN Corona). Winner to 3, 2024, $25,234, finalist Easy Jet S. [R] [G3].
Trumps My Hero SI 92 (g. by Valiant Hero). Winner to 3, $23,341.
Mighty B Grateful SI 97 (g. by Mighty B Valiant). 3 wins to 3, $21,151.
2nd dam
LEST EXPECTED SI 86, by Disco Jerry TB. 3 wins at 2, $17,459, Poor Boy Futurity [R]. Dam of 15 foals to race, 11 winners, 14 ROM–
MISS BLUE CHEW SI 105 (f. by Royal Blue Chew Chew). 5 wins to 3, $349,728, Remington Futurity [G1], Blue Ribbon Futurity [G2], Easy Jet S. [R], finalist in Oklahoma Derby [G2].
Expect A Snow SI 101 (f. by Royal Evening Snow). 3 wins to 6, $38,401, 3rd Fair Meadows Juvenile S.
First Down Expected SI 98 (c. by First Down Kelly). 6 wins to 4, $35,253, 2nd Speedhorse Gold Cup Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in Sooner State S. [R] [G3]. Sire.
Alota Snow SI 91 (g. by Royal Evening Snow). 3 wins to 6, $28,197, 2nd Easy Jet S. [R].
Beauty Chew SI 102 (f. by Royal Blue Chew Chew). Winner to 3, $25,426, 2nd Black Gold 300 Futurity.
Most Expected SI 94 (g. by Dashing Cleat). 6 wins to 5, $27,054.
Snow Bells SI 88 (g. by Royal Evening Snow). Winner to 3, $14,533.
Let Her Snow SI 84 (f. by Royal Evening Snow). Winner to 3, $10,270.
The Cash Express SI 90 (f. by Dashing Cleat). 3 wins to 3, $8,969, finalist in Hopes and Dreams Futurity [R] [G3].
Expect Cash SI 92 (f. by Pure D Dash). Placed to 3, $6,880. Dam of–
Sheachewchew SI 94. Winner to 3, $21,536. Dam of–
Sausalito 100 SI 93. 2 wins to 3, 2024, $21,408.
Win On Rhythm (f. by Winning Rhythm). Placed at 2. Dam of–
Count On Rhythm SI 98. Winner to 4, $22,970.
Four Forty Xpress SI 92. Winner to 3, $20,002.
3rd dam
Bells Fuel SI 104, by Oklahoma Fuel. 14 wins in 27 starts to 3, $27,255, 3rd Lone Star Futurity. Set NTR at Blue Ribbon Downs, 300y in 0:15.430. Dam of 8 foals to race, 4 winners, 4 ROM–
LEST EXPECTED SI 86 (Disco Jerry TB). Stakes winner, above.
Bells Rare Jet SI 88 (Rare Jet). 3 wins at 2, finalist in Remington Futurity [G2]. Sire.
4th dam
Bell's Breeze SI 84, by Breeze Tease. Winner at 2. Dam of 8 foals to race, 4 winners–
Bells Fuel SI 104 (Oklahoma Fuel). Stakes placed winner, above.
ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow, & Ruidoso Fut.
Accredited Oklahoma Bred.
QData 3/2025
Check back soon for the complete pedigree!