By FLYING COWBOY 123 SI 101 (2016). Champion, 8 wins, $965,811, Texas Classic Fut. [G1] Half-brother to COLD CASH 123 SI 106 (Champion). His first foals are 3-year-olds. Sire of 138 ROM, 16 stakes winners, $6,550,176, including COWBOYS GUN Z SI 95 (Champion 2-Year-Old, $1,550,344, All American Fut. [G1]), FIRE COWBOY SI 106 ($373,477, Evangeline Fut. [G2]), FLYIN RABBIT 123 SI 104 ($352,405, Southwest Juv. Inv. [G2]), FLYING SOPHIA SI 105 ($247,270 [G1]), CARDIAC COWBOY SI 98 ($246,263 [G3]).
1st dam
Favorite Candy SI 84, by Good Reason SA. Placed at 2. Dam of 6 foals of racing age, 4 to race, 4 winners–
Scandylous SI 109 (f. by Hez Our Secret). 2 wins to 4, $76,658, 2nd QHRAI Derby, finalist in Bob Moore Mem. S. [G2].
One Rascally Rabbit SI 93 (g. by One Fabulous Eagle). 3 wins to 5, $40,081.
Candy Deep SI 98 (f. by Coronado Cartel). Winner at 2, 2023, $23,123.
2nd dam
Jesses Candy SI 101, by Mr Jess Perry. Winner at 3, $16,652. Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners, 9 ROM–
VALIANTINECANDYROCKS SI 102 (f. by Valiant Hero). 10 wins to 5, $260,779, Indiana Grand Classic S. twice, Bob Woodard Classic S. [R], Hoosier Park Classic S. [R], etc.
ROCKYS CANDY SHOP SI 96 (g. by Fantastic Corona Jr). 9 wins to 4, $176,009, Blue River Derby [R], QHRA of Indiana SSA Derby [R], 3rd QHRAI SSA Futurity [R].
ROCK HARD CANDY SI 106 (g. by Escondido Beach). 4 wins to 5, $123,622, Born Runner Classic S. [R], 3rd Blue River Derby [R], Indiana Bred July Overnight S. [R].
Jess Shantastic SI 96 (f. by Fantastic Corona Jr). 3 wins at 3, $85,769, 2nd La Fiesta Derby, QHRAI of Indiana Derby, 3rd Rainbow Juvenile, finalist[G2]. Dam of–
YIPPEE KI YEY SI 87. 3 wins to 3, 2024, $84,067, Ruidoso Juvenile, 2nd Ruidoso Invitational, 3rd Dash For Cash Juvenile.
Rock Candy Almighty SI 97 (g. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 2 wins to 3, $75,011, 2nd Sterlie Bertram Mem. S. [R].
Rock The Candy Wagon SI 96 (PYC Paint Your Wagon). Winner, $56,137, 2nd QHRAI Dby.
3rd dam
SEND ME THE CANDY SI 97, by Leaving Memories. 3 wins in 6 starts at 2, $135,976, Remington Futurity [G1]. Dam of 30 foals to race, 18 winners, 22 ROM–
SEND ME A CANDY TREE SI 105 (Oak Tree Special). 12 wins to 5, $410,384, Southwest Juvenile Champ. [G1], etc. Dam of ONE FAMOUS CANDY SI 99 ($94,566).
FASTER THEN U SI 92 (Ivory James). 3 wins to 3, $146,631, La Fiesta Futurity.
THIS CANDYS SPECIAL SI 104 (Strawfly Special). 8 wins to 5, $100,361, Central Distaff Challenge [G3] twice, etc. Dam of CANDY CARTEL SI 104 ($210,141 [G3]), JESS SPECIAL CANDY SI 114 ($155,896), Send Me Candy Paint SI 103 ($90,246 [R] [G1]).
THIS CANDYS ROYAL SI 102 (This Snow Is Royal). 7 wins to 6, $55,046, Rheudasil H., finalist in Valley Junction Futurity [G2], Leo S. [G2], East Champ. Challenge [G2].
Eyesa Candy Maker SI 109 (Eyesa Special). 5 wins to 4, $106,494, 3rd Remington Derby [G1], Black Gold Futurity Champ. [R] [G3]. Set NTR 330y. Dam of EYE LIVE FOR CANDY SI 108 ($124,488), EYESA WAGON MAKER SI 104 ($85,322).
Send The Candy Wagon SI 96 (PYC Paint Your Wagon). 5 wins to 4, $61,332, 3rd Oklahoma Horsemen's Assoc. Futurity [R] [G2]. Dam of MY FAVORITE CANDY SI 102.
Eye On This Candy SI 94 (Mr Eye Opener). 2 wins to 3, $56,916, 3rd Valley Junction Futurity [G2], qualified [G1]. Dam of CHASING AJ SI 96 (Champion, $907,069 [G1]).
Jess Send Candy SI 95 (Mr Jess Perry). Winner. Dam of JESS GOOD CANDY SI 96 (Champion, $2,014,703 [G1]), THIS CANDYS AWESOME SI 105 ($434,265 [G2]).
ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow, & Ruidoso Fut.
Embryo transfer.
QData 3/2025
Check back soon for the complete pedigree!