By FLYING COWBOY 123 SI 101 (2016). Champion, 8 wins, $965,811, Texas Classic Fut. [G1] Half-brother to COLD CASH 123 SI 106 (Champion). His first foals are 3-year-olds. Sire of 138 ROM, 16 stakes winners, $6,550,176, including COWBOYS GUN Z SI 95 (Champion 2-Year-Old, $1,550,344, All American Fut. [G1]), FIRE COWBOY SI 106 ($373,477, Evangeline Fut. [G2]), FLYIN RABBIT 123 SI 104 ($352,405, Southwest Juv. Inv. [G2]), FLYING SOPHIA SI 105 ($247,270 [G1]), CARDIAC COWBOY SI 98 ($246,263 [G3]).
1st dam
MIDNIGHT CARTEL SI 96, by Carters Cartel. 4 wins to 3, $93,385, Black Gold 330 Futurity [R] [G3], finalist in Oklahoma Bred Derby [R] [G3], Decketta S. [G3]. Dam of 9 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 7 to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM–
CARTEL KISSES SI 97 (f. by Kiss My Hocks). 10 wins in 16 starts to 3, $506,440, Los Alamitos Oaks [G1], Rainbow Juv, Easy Jet S. [R], 3rd All American Oaks [G1], Black Gold Fillies Futurity, finalist in Rainbow Oaks [G1], Oklahoma Bred Futurity [R] [G1].
Kiss Me At Midnight SI 93 (g. by Kiss My Hocks). 5 wins to 3, $64,169.
Midnight Ryde SI 89 (f. by One Valiant Hero). 3 wins in 6 starts to 3, 2024, $30,747, finalist in Heritage Place Oaks [G2], Oklahoma Derby [G3].
Midnight Bay Cartel SI 94 (c. by Jess Louisiana Blue). 2 wins to 7, $27,802.
Midnite Dynasty SI 86 (f. by FDD Dynasty). Winner to 3, $9,072. Dam of–
Kool Dynasty SI 89 (f. by Lil Kool Wagon). 2 wins in 3 starts at 2, 2024, $22,955.
2nd dam
Night Lines SI 96, by Strawfly Special. 3 wins to 3, $38,724, finalist in Golden State Derby [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2]. Dam of 23 foals to race, 17 winners, 19 ROM–
MIDNIGHT CARTEL SI 96 (f. by Carters Cartel). Stakes winner, above.
NIGHTLY FIRE SI 105 (g. by Walk Thru Fire). 4 wins to 4, $15,777, Bitterroot Juvenile [R].
Nighttime Lines SI 96 (g. by Teller Cartel). 4 wins to 3, $166,310, 3rd Golden State Million Futurity [G1].
Thru The Night SI 98 (g. by Walk Thru Fire). 4 wins to 5, $95,844, 2nd Mile High Derby, 3rd Hobbs America Derby [G3], finalist in Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1].
Beeline Dash SI 98 (g. by Tempting Dash). 2 wins to 3, $34,779, 2nd Mile High Futurity.
Cartel Night SI 99 (f. by Five Bar Cartel). Winner to 3, 2024, $24,561, 3rd Will Rogers Juvenile Challenge S., finalist in AQHA Juvenile Challenge Champ. S. [G2].
Fisher Lines SI 84 (f. by Fishers Dash). 2 wins to 3, $22,472, 3rd Princess S Derby. Dam of–
NIGHT FISHN SI 105. 11 wins to 10, $139,735, OROOI Sprint Series 3 S. twice, Ontario Sires Stakes M. [R], 2nd QROOI Sprint Series 2 S., QROOI Overnight Sprint Series S.
ICE FISHN SI 105. 6 wins to 6, $95,913, Ontario Sires Stakes Futurity [R], etc.
Eyes Open At Night SI 91 (f. by Mr Eye Opener). Placed at 2, $13,502, 2nd Cal. Juv. Chlg.
3rd dam
KICKEN WEST SI 104, by Holland Ease. 5 wins at 2, $69,091, Phoenix Futurity-NTR, 2nd New Mexico Juvenile Challenge [G3], La Jolla H., finalist in Golden State Futurity [G1]. Set NTR at Turf Paradise, 330y in 0:17.080. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 ROM–
Zoomandkicken SI 103 (Azoom). 7 wins, $139,252, 2nd Dash For Cash Derby [G2], etc.
Love Ya Miss Jess SI 95 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $8,678. Dam of–
TRUE SI 88. 2 wins to 4, $68,085, Northlands Futurity.
Lotta Love For Robyn SI 97. AQHA Dam of Distinction, 2 wins to 4, $238,696, 2nd Cypress H., 3rd Rainbow Juv., finalist in All American Futurity [G1]. Dam of LOTTA BLUES MAN SI 94 ($935,399 [G1]), TRES FRIENDS SI 97 ($932,674 [G1]).
ENVSI 95. 2 wins to 3, $30,008, 3rd Secret Card Overnight H., finalist in Governor's Cup Derby [R] [G2]. Dam of FOO WHO SI 92 ($49,169).
ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow, & Ruidoso Fut., Los Alamitos Two Million Fut., Golden State Million Fut.
Accredited Oklahoma Bred; embryo transfer.
QData 3/2025
Check back soon for the complete pedigree!