By THE MARFA LIGHTS SI 92 (2014). 2 wins, $566,493, 2nd All American Fut. [G1], fnl in All American Derby [G1]. Brother to MOONIN THE EAGLE SI 111 (Champion). Half-brother to MOONIST SI 101 (Champion), JESS MY MOON SI 99, STRAY CAT SI 93. Sire of 74 ROM, $1,567,181, including KARMALITES SI 101 (3 wins, $112,722, Four Corners Fut), DIAMOND LIGHTZ SI 89 (Clasico the Prize), Wasting Light SI 101 (3 wins, $102,452, 3rd A Ransom H), Marfalous SI 93 (2 wins, $71,027, fnl [RG1], Marfason SI 101 ($39,705).
1st dam
Pie Pies Flashback SI 87, by First Moonflash. Placed to 3, $7,652. Sister to TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, a 2-year-old currently racing.
2nd dam
Rare Pie SI 91, by Rare Form. Winner at 2, $11,084, finalist in Blue Ribbon Futurity [G1]. Dam of 19 foals to race, 11 winners, 14 ROM–
TOO FLASH FOR YOU SI 102 (g. by First Moonflash). 8 wins to 6, $1,065,692, All American Derby [G1], NMHBA S. [R] [G2], Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], Zia H. [R] [G2], New Mexico Breeders S. [R] [G2], finalist in Zia Futurity [R] [G1], The Champ. at Sunland Park S. [G1], All American Gold Cup [G1], NM Classic Champ. [R] [G1].
RC Chivato Pie SI 104 (f. by Dash To Chivato). 2 wins to 4, $35,201, 2nd Canadian Cup Futurity [R] [G3], 3rd All Canadian Futurity. Dam of–
RC Riptide SI 89. Winner to 3, $7,249, 3rd North Central QHRA Futurity.
Famous Pie SI 96 (c. by Dash Ta Fame). Placed at 2, $14,285, 2nd NM Spring Fling [R].
Rare Eye Opener SI 110 (f. by Mr Eye Opener). 4 wins to 4, $31,656, finalist in Oklahoma Champ. Challenge [G1], Sunland Park Fall Futurity [G2]. Set NTR. Dam of–
KRASH COURSE SI 98. 6 wins to 6, $105,230, King William S., 2nd TQHA Classic S. [R] [G2], King William S., 3rd Sam's Town S., Nevill S. [R], finalist in TQHA Sale Futurity [R] [G2], Dash For Cash Derby [G3].
A Rare Leader SI 96 (g. by Special Leader). 3 wins to 4, $28,800.
Piecicle SI 95 (f. by Dominyun). 3 wins to 3, $28,797.
3rd dam
Afton Pie SI 82, by Pie In The Sky. Winner at 3, $4,114. Dam of 9 foals to race, 6 winners–
PIES EYE OPENER SI 117 (Mr Eye Opener). 10 wins to 10, $106,650, Sunray Park Marathon H.
Mr Fast Pie SI 104 (Fast Debonair). 11 wins to 9, $121,238, 2nd Special Hank H. [G3], finalist in Sunray Park Marathon H. [G3].
Zachs Legacy Pie SI 91 (Cash Legacy). 2 wins to 3, $16,743. Dam of–
Straw Flyin Pie SI 89. Winner to 5, $16,139, 3rd Fair Meadows Juvenile S., finalist in Oklahoma Derby [G3].
4th dam
Lady Afton Bug SI 90, by Lady Bug's Moon. 2 wins at 2, $28,169, 3rd Midway Downs Spring Futurity. Sister to MR AFTON BUG SI 94 ($128,632), MY AFTON BUG SI 96 ($66,853), Another Afton Bug SI 96 ($34,517). Dam of 16 foals to race, 9 winners, 10 ROM–
A SMOOTH BUG SI 99 (Jet Smooth). 7 wins to 4, $43,286, John Phillips H., Mr Jet Moore H., 3rd Smash It S. Sire.
THE SWIFT LADY SI 104 (Mr Master Bug). 5 wins to 4, $24,221, Colorado Breeders' Futurity [R], 3rd Jayhawker Derby [G3], Buttons and Bows S., Real Wind H. granddam of LQ Navarro SI 106 ($86,923), Last Chance For Lady SI 97.
A SMOOTH AFTON BUG SI 94 (Jet Smooth). 4 wins to 4, $15,454, Great Texas Mat. Sire.
Master Byron SI 92 (Victory Stride TB). 2 wins to 4, $31,045, 2nd Fair Grounds H. Sire.
Magnificent Ruler SI 94. 9 wins to 8, $21,386, 2nd QHBC Southwest Futurity [R].
Miss Azure Te Bug SI 102 (Azure Te TB). 7 wins to 3, $82,351.
ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow, & Ruidoso Fut.; eligible for Ruby Buckle.
QData 3/2025
Check back soon for the complete pedigree!