By JET BLACK PATRIOT SI 110 (2006). 7 wins, $876,921, LQHBA Fut. [RG1]. Sire of 524 ROM, 31 stakes winners, $20,273,930, including SAN LORENZO JET SI 102 ($1,005,939 [RG1]), JET BLACK GRACE SI 103 ($774,627 [G1]), YOU DRIVE I FLY SI 98 ($590,134 [RG1]), JET BLACK ROGUE SI 103 ($453,101), JETBLACK GOLD MOMENT SI 109 ($277,670 [G3]), COOL YA JETS SI 92 ($274,938). Sire of the dams of KONNAN CARTEL SI 102 ($386,910 [G2], JESS A DASHIN ANGELA SI 110 ($248,565), WHATAHISTORIC MOMENT SI 105.
1st dam
TH Agouti SI 106 (brn/t), by Agouti. APHA
Champion Aged Horse, APHA Champion Aged Mare, 3 wins to
5, $32,920, finalist in Graham Paint Futurity [G1]. Dam of 2 other
APHA foals of racing age.
2nd dam
SI 95 (brn/t), by Treasured. 4 wins in 6 starts at 2, $16,022, Red River
Futurity, 2nd Oklahoma Paint Assoc. Futurity. Dam of 9 foals to
race, 7 winners, 8 ROM–
SI 97 (g. by Corona Cartel [Q]), APHA Solid World Champion, APHA
Champion Solid 2- and 3-Year-Old, APHA Champion Solid 2- and
3-Year-Old Gelding, APHA Champion Solid Aged Horse and Aged
Gelding, 15 wins to 7, $252,967, Oklahoma Paint Maturity [R] [G1],
Masterpiece Derby [G1], Graham Futurity [G1], National Cowboy
& Western Heritage S. [G1], Oklahoma Horsemen’s Assoc. Derby
[R] [G2], Pioneer Derby [G3], 2nd Masterpiece Paint
Futurity [R] [G1], Mr Lewie H., Anaheim Overnight H., 3rd
Speedhorse Sprint Derby [R] [G1], etc.
Sooner Chick
(APHA) SI 95 (f. by Royal Quick Flash [Q/P]). 4 wins at 2, $40,567, 2nd
Red Sky Futurity [G2], 3rd Speedhorse Paint & App
Futurity [R] [G1], Lorelei Futurity [G3]. Dam of–
Getta Dos Of This (APHA) SI 90. APHA Champion 2-Year-Old Colt, 2 wins to
3, $33,767, 2nd Dash For Colors S., 3rd Oklahoma
Horsemen’s Assoc. Futurity [R] [G1].
That Kinda Girl (APHA) SI 89. 2 wins to 3, $20,971, finalist American
Paint Classic Futurity [R] [G1], PSBA Derby [R] [G1].
Smokin Dos (APHA) SI 90. Winner to 3, $15,132, finalist
Tulsa State Fair S. [G2].
Little Lady Sadie (APHA) SI 82 (f. by Aze Beduino [P]). 2 wins to 3, $12,909, 2nd
Heart of Oklahoma Futurity [R].
3rd dam
JUDYS CHICK SI 89 (s/t), by Walters Chick. APHA Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, 6 wins to 3, $65,138, PSBA Paint Futurity [R], Red River Paint Futurity, Bright & Early Paint Futurity, 2nd Lorelei Paint Futurity, Pot O’Gold Paint Futurity. Dam of–
JUDYS LINEAGE (APHA) SI 95 (Special Lineage [P]), APHA Champion 3-Year-Old, Champion 3-Year-Old Colt, 9 wins to 3, $45,449, Lorelei Paint Derby, Pant the Town Futurity, APHA National Futurity, Speedhorse Gold & Silver Derby, 2nd Speedhorse Gold & Silver Futurity [R], 3rd Oklahoma Paint Futurity, APHA National Maturity.
A SHARPER IMAGE (APHA) SI 95 (Razor Sharp [P]), APHA Champion 2-Year-Old Colt, 2 wins, $22,748, Okla. Paint Futurity, 2nd American Paint Classic Cons. Fut. [R].
LITTLE SARA (APHA) SI 95 (Treasured [P]). Stakes winner, above.
Treasured Chick SI 97 (Treasured [P]). 4 wins, $23,940: 2nd APHA National Maturity, Paint Stallion Breeders Derby, 3rd Okla. Paint Maturity. Dam of CHICKS LACERTA SI 103 (APHA Solid Champion), MAKE NO SHADOWS SI 97 (APHA Solid Champion), A S DEMON SI 94 (APHA Champion), TREASURED FORM SI 98.
Judys Treasure (APHA) SI 93 (Treasured [P]). 5 wins to 4, $25,944, 2nd Pot O'Gold Fut. [R].
At 2, unplaced in 1 start.
2024 Hold On Tight (b/s) c. by PYC Paint Your Wagon
BRED February 25, 2024, and believed in foal to CYBER MONDAY .
Accredited Oklahoma Breeding Stock.
QData 3/2025
Check back soon for the complete pedigree!