By VALIANT HERO SI 105 (2004). 7 wins, $668,633, Texas Classic Fut. [G1]. Sire of 616 ROM, 63 stakes winners, $30,613,931, including FEATURE HERO SI 99 (Champion, $1,418,960 [G1]), IMA FEARLESS HERO SI 92 (Champion, $1,062,435 [G1]), SASS ME BLUE SI 94 (Champion, $296,378 [G1]), HOUDINI SI 105 ($1,223,198 [G1]), FIRST VALIANT SIGN SI 99 ($1,053,844 [G1]), SAM CROW SI 103 ($1,012,935 [RG2]), VALIANT TIBERIAS SI 107 ($852,832 [G1]), VALIANT ROGUE SI 106 ($814,850 [G1]), RUSTYS MIRACLE SI 103
1st dam
Twist Of Fury SI 80 (b/t), by Furyofthewind. Winner to 3,
$6,424. Dam of 4 APHA foals of racing age (3 tobiano, 1 overo), 3 to race–
Rate Of Fury
(APHA) SI 91 (g. by High Rate Of Return [Q]). Winner to 3, $21,365, 2nd
Pot O’Gold Futurity [G1].
2nd dam
Real Easy Effort SI 96, by Real Easy Cash. 2 wins to 4, $25,749, 3rd Oklahoma Paint Futurity [G1], finalist Pot O'Gold Futurity [R] [G1], PSBA Derby [R] [G1]. Dam of 6 foals to race–
Logans Mafia SI 93 (f. by Capo De Capi [Q]). 4 wins to 6, $48,239, finalist in the Speedhorse Graham Paint & App Futurity [G1], Tulsa State Fair S. [G1].
Real Easy Sign (g. by Second Painted Sign [Q]). Placed at 2, $9,845, finalist in Speedhorse Graham Futurity [G1].
3rd dam
Meaningfully SI 86, by Moving Effort. Winner at 2. Dam of 2 AQHA foals and 4 APHA foals, all started, 5 ROM, including–
BUST N MOVES (APHA) SI 98 (Judys Lineage [P]). APHA Champion Solid 3-Year-Old and Solid 3-Year-Old Gelding, 11 wins to 6, $182,140, Pot O’Gold Futurity [R] [G1], PSBA Derby [R] [G1], OHA Paint & App Derby [R] [G2], Lone Star Paint & App Futurity, 3rd Olympia Joe H. [G1], Cowboy Hall of Fame H. [G1] twice.
Real Easy Effort (APHA) SI 96 (Real Easy Cash [P]). Stakes placed winner, above.
Rip Roarin Moves (APHA) SI 92 (Judys Lineage [P]). Placed to 3, $23,045, 2nd Oklahoma Horseman’s Assoc. Paint & App Derby [R] [G2]; finalist in the Speedhorse Paint & App Futurity [R] [G1], Speedhorse Paint & App Derby [R] [G1].
Meaningful Memories (AQHA) (PYC Paint Your Wagon). Winner at 4, $10,318. Dam of–
Relentless Chick SI 97. 3 wins to 5, $75,154, 2nd Indiana Grand Classic S., 3rd Horseshoe Inianapolis Classic S.
Flying Bandida SI 97. Winner at 2, 2024, $53,599, 2nd Prairie Meadows Gold Futurity.
Cudas Painted Wagon (APHA) SI 86. Winner to 3, $10,761.
Judyfully SI 88 (APHA) (Judys Lineage [P]). Placed to 3, $4,577, finalist PSBA Derby [R] [G1].
4th dam
Sweetest Sounds SI 95, by Dash For Cash. Winner in 2 starts at 2, $4,698. Sister to MR EYE OPENER SI 106 ($202,978 [G1]-NTR), Miss Eye Opener SI 98 ($88,468 [G1]; dam of SPECIAL LEADER SI 103, World Champion, Champion Aged Horse, Champion Aged Stallion, $292,605, Champion of Champions [G1] ; granddam of SCRUTINIZER SI 113, $343,197), Cash Treat SI 96. Half sister to DARING DIFFERENCE SI 102 ($329,000, Heritage Place Futurity [G1]). Dam of 8 AQHA foals to race, 7 ROM, 6 winners, including–
Sweet Fancy Free (Special Effort). Winner. Dam of ROMA RYON SI 98 ($69,657 [G3]); granddam of CHASIN SAVANNA B SI 113 ($27,707-NTR).
Motor Me Gone SI 110 (Meter Me Gone). 2 wins to 4, $32,321, finalist [G2].
Faster N Sound SI 97 (Ronas Ryon). 3 wins to 3, $25,450, finalist in the Graham Farms Derby [G2], qualified to Remington Park Futurity [G1]. Sire.
Project Passion (Special Project). Dam of Hiballing Freight SI 94 ($23,334 [R] [G2]).
RECORD: At 2, 2024, unplaced, finalist in Speedhorse Paint & App
Juvenile [G1]. EARNED $3,526.
Accredited Oklahoma Bred; in training.
QData 3/2025
Check back soon for the complete pedigree!